[Arm-netbook] HDMI High-Frequency Layout: Recommendations--Taper
Richard Wilbur
2017-12-05 00:30:11 UTC
The goal of the taper is to minimize the reflection coefficient involved with changes in impedance caused by changes in transmission line geometry. In essence we are trying to make the changes so gentle that we don't scare any electrons. The scared electrons reflect at the point of abrupt changes in impedance(flee back in the direction they came from) which weakens the signal delivered to the HDMI cable and, finally, the display. (Forgive the anthropomorphization of the electrons--it is purely for illustrative purposes.)

As the high-frequency differential lines traverse the board from processor pin to connector pin certain parts of the geometry and electromagnetic environment stay fairly constant, other aspects in certain places are not conducive to the transmission environment needed by the HDMI signals we wish to deliver to the connector.

Three principles are at work here:
1. Whatever conditions are apparent over the majority of the conduction path will dominate the transmission characteristics. (You could think of the overall impedance as being similar to a length-weighted average of the local impedance of all the sections along the path.)
2. The abruptness of changes in geometry will determine the abruptness of changes in impedance and thus the reflection coefficient associated with the perturbation.
3. Reflections are more troublesome the further you get from the signal source. Close to the source the reflection arrives at the source during the signal rise time and can be overcome by the line driver.

The trace width stays mostly constant at 5mil except for component pads at processor, ESD chip, and connector and the two through-hole vias used to transition from layer 1 (processor) to layer 6 (room for differential microstrip transmission lines) back to layer 1 (connector).

Both the signal trace copper thickness and the dielectric thickness between signal traces and ground plane change only at the signal vias.

The room available on layer 6 allows us to make a controlled-impedance differential transmission line for a good share of the transmission path. Since the HDMI standard specifies 100 +/-15% Ohm impedance, we have designed the geometry to provide a characteristic impedance close to the upper end of the tolerance of the nominal impedance. We have room to impose this geometry for most of the length of the sojourn. At both ends the space is restricted such that the close quarters will no doubt result in a lower local impedance.

Where we have room, the distance between a differential pair and any other copper (be it another differential pair or ground) is 15mil. At both ends this is restricted by the spacing between lands in the component layouts down to 5-7mil.

From the first principle, we see that the influence of the lower local impedance from the restricted sections will serve to lower the overall impedance. In order to stay within the tolerances of the nominal impedance we attempt to limit the length of the restricted sections (where the inter-pair distance <15mil). In some places this could lead us to maintain 15mil inter-pair distance right up to an obstruction which imposes a 5-7mil inter-pair distance. The second principle leads us to recognize this is an abrupt change and expect that it will cause reflections. The third principle suggests it is more important to deal with abrupt changes at the connector end of the transmission line than the processor end.

Hence, we are exploring the feasibility of tapering the inter-pair distance down from 15mil to 5mil as we get to the connector end, in order to soften the effects of the unavoidable space restrictions at the connector end. The other important point is that since we are dealing with differential signals, we are interested in trying to maintain symmetry in dealing with the two traces of each differential pair, lest we push signal energy into common-mode.

The idea was inspired by my reading of a discussion on "Microwaves101"[*] of an impedance taper first described by R. W. Klopfenstein in a paper titled "A Transmission Line Taper of Improved Design", published in the Proceedings of the IRE, page 31-35, January 1956.

We aren't really doing his work justice as our frequencies are so low that our board is too small to accommodate the length required to get the good low frequency response he demonstrates. Nevertheless, we are interested in making the sequence of small transitions in a somewhat similar fashion.

Transmission Line geometry (widths)

North ground fill keep out
Inter-pair Distance = 15mil
HDMI TX2P trace = 5mil
Intra-pair Spacing = 5mil
HDMI TX2N trace = 5mil
Inter-pair Distance = 15mil
HDMI TX1P trace = 5mil
Intra-pair Spacing = 5mil
HDMI TX1N trace = 5mil
Inter-pair Distance = 15mil
HDMI TX0P trace = 5mil
Intra-pair Spacing = 5mil
HDMI TX0N trace = 5mil
Inter-pair Distance = 15mil
HDMI TXCP trace = 5mil
Intra-pair Spacing = 5mil
HDMI TXCN trace = 5mil
Inter-pair Distance = 15mil
South ground fill keep out

Adding this up yields a total = 135mil

When we scale the Inter-pair Distance = 5mil, the total = 85mil

This drops 50mil in width.

<step> <Inter-pair Distance> <Change>
0 15mil
1 14mil -1mil
2 13mil -1mil
3 12mil -1mil
4 10mil -2mil
5 08mil -2mil
6 07mil -1mil
7 06mil -1mil
8 05mil -1mil

If we use 15mil along the signal conduction path from the onset of one change to the next and 45 degree turns to initiate and complete all the changes, and if we choose a geometry to lengthen TXC (clock) the most and leave unchanged TX2, the length along the signal path of the taper will be 7*15mil + 4*1mil = 109mil after which we have no need of manual keep outs for the ground fill as the board rule of 5mil minimum Cu-Cu spacing will suffice.

Deviations from path in due NorthEast direction (+ signifies change in the NorthWest direction, - signifies change in the SouthEast direction, units in mil)
<step> <Northern keepout> <TX1> <TX0> <TXC> <Southern keepout>
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -1 1 2 3 4
2 -1 1 2 3 4
3 -1 1 2 3 4
4 -2 2 4 6 8
5 -2 2 4 6 8
6 -1 1 2 3 4
7 -1 1 2 3 4
8 -1 1 2 3 4

Diagram attached below.
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-05 01:49:02 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:30 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
The goal of the taper is to minimize the reflection coefficient involved with
changes in impedance caused by changes in transmission line geometry.
In essence we are trying to make the changes so gentle that we don't scare
any electrons. The scared electrons reflect at the point of abrupt changes
in impedance(flee back in the direction they came from) which weakens
the signal delivered to the HDMI cable and, finally, the display.
(Forgive the anthropomorphization of the electrons--it is purely for illustrative purposes.)
i get it. and it's fun, too. reminds me of "B.O.B" from Monsters
for some reason.

Dr Cockroach: "Look out, here comes..."
Susan: *pause*... "Susan".
B.O.B.: "SuuUuuusan... oo that does sound scarey. i scared myself"

btw i miiight be able to do a pair of arcs on each side of keepout
area, in "S" format, where it needs to narrow / widen.

are you able to take a closer-up photo or a higher-res version, don't
worry about the file limit to the list i'll "approve" it when i see
it. the image is 320x240 and it's too blurry to make out the writing
and notes. not too hi-res btw! :) some of these iphones... dang.
what i do is: use GIMP, convert to JPEG, set it at "35% compression",
that's a good compromise on quality and size, then you can get away
with even as high as 1000x1000 @ only... 80-200k or so depending on
complexity. i also tend to select "Image | Mode | Greyscale" on
pencil-drawn pictures.


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-05 04:28:50 UTC
Small 29.3KB
Medium 86.5KB
Large 790KB
Actual 1.8MB

I believe I selected the smallest option last time. I'll try "Medium" this time.

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-05 12:22:33 UTC
Post by Richard Wilbur
Small 29.3KB
Medium 86.5KB
Large 790KB
Actual 1.8MB
I believe I selected the smallest option last time. I'll try "Medium" this time.
yehyeh too small - medium's great. make it just the one attachment,
JPG only. or, y'know what? email me (directly) the actual image,
i'll take care of it.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-05 12:35:46 UTC
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
Small 29.3KB
Medium 86.5KB
Large 790KB
Actual 1.8MB
I believe I selected the smallest option last time. I'll try "Medium" this time.
yehyeh too small - medium's great. make it just the one attachment,
JPG only. or, y'know what? email me (directly) the actual image,
i'll take care of it.
got it, richard. i got the original of the HTML-embedded message (i
set up the list to strip HTML MIME-embedded attachments), but instead
i received the *original* message.

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-05 12:41:26 UTC
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:30 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
3. Reflections are more troublesome the further you get from the
signal source. Close to the source the reflection arrives at the
source during the signal rise time and can be overcome by the line driver.
Deviations from path in due NorthEast direction (+ signifies change in the
NorthWest direction, - signifies change in the SouthEast direction, units in mil)
<step> <Northern keepout> <TX1> <TX0> <TXC> <Southern keepout>
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -1 1 2 3 4
2 -1 1 2 3 4
3 -1 1 2 3 4
4 -2 2 4 6 8
5 -2 2 4 6 8
6 -1 1 2 3 4
7 -1 1 2 3 4
8 -1 1 2 3 4
okaay so the idea is, just after the long straight you make a series
of very tiny corrections by bringing each of the tracks inwards -
closer together - so that when you get to the point where you *have*
to be 5-7mil apart you're already neeearrrrly that far apart *anyway*
so it's not so bad.

ok :) that's perfectly doable.
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-05 14:30:17 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:41 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:30 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
3. Reflections are more troublesome the further you get from the
signal source. Close to the source the reflection arrives at the
source during the signal rise time and can be overcome by the line driver.
Deviations from path in due NorthEast direction (+ signifies change in the
NorthWest direction, - signifies change in the SouthEast direction, units in mil)
<step> <Northern keepout> <TX1> <TX0> <TXC> <Southern keepout>
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -1 1 2 3 4
2 -1 1 2 3 4
3 -1 1 2 3 4
4 -2 2 4 6 8
5 -2 2 4 6 8
6 -1 1 2 3 4
7 -1 1 2 3 4
8 -1 1 2 3 4
okaay so the idea is, just after the long straight you make a series
of very tiny corrections by bringing each of the tracks inwards -
closer together - so that when you get to the point where you *have*
to be 5-7mil apart you're already neeearrrrly that far apart *anyway*
so it's not so bad.
ok :) that's perfectly doable.
so, a quick check: it's easier, due to the VIAs (i am *not* moving
them!! certainly not the diff-pairs!) to keep TX1 exactly where it is,
and move TX2, TX0 and TXC all inwards. i'll also move the last change
from N to NE that goes round the GND via a bit closer in.

question: does it *really matter* that the tapering occurs after the
45 degree group turn or is it ok to simply... ok picture 1 or picture
2? :)

thoughts appreciated
Richard Wilbur
2017-12-05 21:15:34 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:30 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
Deviations from path in due NorthEast direction (+ signifies change in the
NorthWest direction, - signifies change in the SouthEast direction, units in mil)
<step> <Northern keepout> <TX1> <TX0> <TXC> <Southern keepout>
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -1 1 2 3 4
2 -1 1 2 3 4
3 -1 1 2 3 4
4 -2 2 4 6 8
5 -2 2 4 6 8
6 -1 1 2 3 4
7 -1 1 2 3 4
8 -1 1 2 3 4
okaay so the idea is, just after the long straight you make a series
of very tiny corrections by bringing each of the tracks inwards -
closer together - so that when you get to the point where you *have*
to be 5-7mil apart you're already neeearrrrly that far apart *anyway*
so it's not so bad.
ok :) that's perfectly doable.

The reason for all the detail is to try and make the changes gradual enough to avoid causing big reflections from the taper itself but also make the geometry symmetric so we avoid turning differential signal into common mode.

Notice that all the tracks and keepouts start a move "in" towards TX2 once every 15mil and then stay at that distance for the remainder of that step. Notice also that all the tracks and keepouts move in except TX2 (since our goal is that it be the shortest--or moreso that TXC be the longest). At the 5mil-inter-pair-distance end of the taper the manual keepouts become superfluous in light of your 5mil minimum Cu-Cu spacing design rule which then simplifies the connector end of the layout.

I threw "step 0" in there to say let's allow things to at least settle a little after making the turn before we start into the taper.

Once we get into that tight bundle then we have to carefully pull the pairs off in order to avoid undoing all our work. I'll send another drawing later this afternoon. (I'm waiting for the dental hygienist, right now.)

The idea is to have the bundle running NE, then simultaneously turn the bottom (southernmost) pair due E while the rest of the bundle turns due N for at least 15mil before turning back NE. This makes a 90 degree corner between the bundle and the pair which is leaving and gives enough space to allow ground fill between immediately.
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-05 21:40:04 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
Post by Richard Wilbur
The reason for all the detail is to try and make the changes gradual enough to avoid causing big reflections from the taper itself but also make the geometry symmetric so we avoid turning differential signal into common mode.
wait... so there's *multiple* of those tiny "wiggles" needed? what
about... i know: what about doing some of those curves as double-S
double-ended arcs, like in that 1965 paper you found? i'll draw it
Post by Richard Wilbur
Notice that all the tracks and keepouts start a move "in" towards TX2 once every 15mil and then stay at that distance for the remainder of that step. Notice also that all the tracks and keepouts move in except TX2 (since our goal is that it be the shortest--or moreso that TXC be the longest).
1912 for TX2, 2075 for TX1, 2036 for TX0, 2225 for TXC.

noo problem about keeping TX2 the longest, even with a *lot* of
taper-wiggling. keeping TX1 stable (see diagrams i sent) would not be
a problem.
Post by Richard Wilbur
At the 5mil-inter-pair-distance end of the taper the manual keepouts become superfluous in light of your 5mil minimum Cu-Cu spacing design rule which then simplifies the connector end of the layout.
ok that's good
Post by Richard Wilbur
I threw "step 0" in there to say let's allow things to at least settle a little after making the turn before we start into the taper.
Once we get into that tight bundle then we have to carefully pull the pairs off in order to avoid undoing all our work. I'll send another drawing later this afternoon. (I'm waiting for the dental hygienist, right now.)
ok :)
Post by Richard Wilbur
The idea is to have the bundle running NE, then simultaneously turn the bottom (southernmost) pair due E while the rest of the bundle turns due N for at least 15mil before turning back NE. This makes a 90 degree corner between the bundle and the pair which is leaving and gives enough space to allow ground fill between immediately.
drawing. even a rough sketch. needed definitely

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2017-12-11 07:25:44 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:30 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
3. Reflections are more troublesome the further you get from the
signal source. Close to the source the reflection arrives at the
source during the signal rise time and can be overcome by the line driver.
Deviations from path in due NorthEast direction (+ signifies change in the
NorthWest direction, - signifies change in the SouthEast direction, units in mil)
<step> <Northern keepout> <TX1> <TX0> <TXC> <Southern keepout>
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -1 1 2 3 4
2 -1 1 2 3 4
3 -1 1 2 3 4
4 -2 2 4 6 8
5 -2 2 4 6 8
6 -1 1 2 3 4
7 -1 1 2 3 4
8 -1 1 2 3 4
okaay so the idea is, just after the long straight you make a series
of very tiny corrections by bringing each of the tracks inwards -
closer together - so that when you get to the point where you *have*
to be 5-7mil apart you're already neeearrrrly that far apart *anyway*
so it's not so bad.
ok :) that's perfectly doable.
Just a small question. Why not deviate from the 45 degree angle? So
you end up with converging lines, instead of the stepped approach?
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-11 10:53:34 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Just a small question. Why not deviate from the 45 degree angle? So
you end up with converging lines, instead of the stepped approach?
because the steps are a close approximation to the original 1956
paper which ensures that there is a smooth transition of the

if you think "microwave guide" and "lamina flow", if you just draw a
straight line the signal bounces about and comes straight back at you.

however if you have these specially-arranged steps, it's a bit like a
parabolic mirror, the signal bounces in a mathematically very special
way that *focusses* the signal onto the (narrower) track, ensuring
that it doesn't bounce back at you.

the ideal case would be to have hundreds of steps (not 45 degree
ones) and lots of small lines, i'm currently investigating the format
of the .ASC files, identifying where the heck you're supposed to put


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2017-12-12 08:10:22 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by m***@gmail.com
Just a small question. Why not deviate from the 45 degree angle? So
you end up with converging lines, instead of the stepped approach?
because the steps are a close approximation to the original 1956
paper which ensures that there is a smooth transition of the
I think we're on different tracks here. ;-)

We have different types of impedance and capacitance going on.
1. Single trace (of a pair)
- capacitance to other traces/planes such as GND/PWR
- impedance due to trace geometry
2. Intra differential trace (between two line of the same pair)
- capacitance to the differential trace
- Impedance due to the parallel nature of the trace pair
3. Inter differential trace (between different pairs)
- capacitance to the differential trace
- Impedance due to the parallel nature of the trace pair

So for matching impedance on a single trace you can do a taper. To
match different incoming outgoing impedance requirements or to nullify
impedance mismatching parts such as vias.

See the left side drawings. The taper can be in steps or smooth. I've
read a, recent, paper that the effect is the same. Indeed don't make
to great steps as they'll create reflections.

In an inter pair you'll the steps on the outside so the width between
the two lines of a pair remains as smooth as possible. Skinning effect
in combination with the magnetic fields, which create the capacitance
effect, will draw the signal to travel mostly on the inner edges. So
the steps don't touch the signal to much.

For narrowing multiple pairs, I cannot see the benefit of a stepped
approach. See the left side drawings. Just more work.
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-12 08:33:57 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by m***@gmail.com
Just a small question. Why not deviate from the 45 degree angle? So
you end up with converging lines, instead of the stepped approach?
because the steps are a close approximation to the original 1956
paper which ensures that there is a smooth transition of the
I think we're on different tracks here. ;-)
We have different types of impedance and capacitance going on.
1. Single trace (of a pair)
- capacitance to other traces/planes such as GND/PWR
- impedance due to trace geometry
2. Intra differential trace (between two line of the same pair)
- capacitance to the differential trace
- Impedance due to the parallel nature of the trace pair
3. Inter differential trace (between different pairs)
- capacitance to the differential trace
- Impedance due to the parallel nature of the trace pair
So for matching impedance on a single trace you can do a taper. To
match different incoming outgoing impedance requirements or to nullify
impedance mismatching parts such as vias.
right, this is inter-pair, and also the keep-out area which must also
be tapered. we're leaving individual traces @ 5mil and the
calculations that richard's done are all based on traces being fixed @
Post by m***@gmail.com
In an inter pair you'll the steps on the outside so the width between
the two lines of a pair remains as smooth as possible.
right. ok. so the paper from 1956 explains that it is REALLY
IMPORTANT that you NOT do a straight (linear) taper. the shape of the
steps is VERY specific, and is based on studies (many decades later)
that explain that you can EMULATE the curving shapes of required
tapering from the original paper by deploying a CHAIN of DISCRETE

these discrete steps are what richard went to the trouble of
outlining in that table.
Post by m***@gmail.com
For narrowing multiple pairs, I cannot see the benefit of a stepped
approach. See the left side drawings. Just more work.
more work with a very very specific and specifically designed
outcome, based on a paper that has been demonstrated mathematically to
be very specific and precise in how it gradually changes impedance
from one value to another whilst GUARANTEEING that at no time will
there be ANY reflections back down the line.

a linear step approach such as the one that you outline in the
drawing is GUARANTEED 100% to cause reflections.

the gradual change outlined in the 1956 paper is similar to an S
curve (not exactly, but close enough). i'm drawing it (attached)
freehand on gimp - really badly - so it may not be totally clear. the
black lines are supposed to be the smooth S-like tapers of the "ideal"
case. the purple one is supposed to be the 45-degree multiple
individual steps.

so by doing this series of steps the inter-pair impedance changes
from its (appx).... 110 ohms by virtue of the distance being 15mil to
each pair and also to the keep-out area, down to something closer to
50 ohms by the time we get to the end of the set of 8 steps, by which
point the inter-pair spacing is 5mil, as you have to have, because of
the distance between the pads on the ESD and the JAE DC-3 HDMI

if we followed the "straight line" inter-pair approach that you're
advocating, the change from the 110 ohms to 50 ohms using linear
spacing between 45-turn steps OR a straight 1-line arbitrary-angle
taper is *GUARANTEED* to result in reflections back down the line(s).

btw numbers (110, 50) above are not wholly accurate, richard
calculated them correctly, i am just substituting convenient
indicative numbers from my vague and non-specific memory.

2017-12-12 14:54:19 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
so by doing this series of steps the inter-pair impedance changes
from its (appx).... 110 ohms by virtue of the distance being 15mil to
each pair and also to the keep-out area, down to something closer to
50 ohms by the time we get to the end of the set of 8 steps, by which
point the inter-pair spacing is 5mil, as you have to have, because of
the distance between the pads on the ESD and the JAE DC-3 HDMI
if we followed the "straight line" inter-pair approach that you're
advocating, the change from the 110 ohms to 50 ohms using linear
spacing between 45-turn steps OR a straight 1-line arbitrary-angle
taper is *GUARANTEED* to result in reflections back down the line(s).
We'll I'm not convinced on the reflections in inter pair matching. But
indeed my "linear" might not be the best and results in unequal
impedance transitions and thus in signal degradation. But you can stil
do gradual corners. See the "transitioned" attachment.

But without a, 3d, simulation or a real world test this is all very theoretical.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
btw numbers (110, 50) above are not wholly accurate, richard
calculated them correctly, i am just substituting convenient
indicative numbers from my vague and non-specific memory.
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-12 15:32:20 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
Post by m***@gmail.com
We'll I'm not convinced on the reflections in inter pair matching. But
indeed my "linear" might not be the best and results in unequal
impedance transitions and thus in signal degradation. But you can stil
do gradual corners. See the "transitioned" attachment.
yes. the issue i have with the 45-degree thing is that it has to be
staggered (you can't make the transitions on *exactly* the same
X-distance along the axis because the pairs, during the 45 degree
turn, would actually come *too close* by a factor of pow(2,0.5) *

a non-45-degree variant - exactly as you draw - would not have that
same problem. *but*.... at the same time, 8 steps would not be
anything like enough, because of the risk of inaccuracies in the
distance between the tracks, perhaps going to 4.95mil separation at
the exact point where each track turns. all a pain.

and that's why i said that 100s of such steps would be needed...
which i'm not going to do right now, as i would need the actual
formulae from the 1956 paper as opposed to richard's hand-calculated 8
Post by m***@gmail.com
But without a, 3d, simulation or a real world test this is all very theoretical.
the theory - which has had quite some time to mature and be
demonstrated to be accurate both in complex electrical simulations
(papers doing this were referenced on arxiv.org in the original
message that richard sent a few months back) and the real world - has
matured over the past 60 years and that's why i'm trusting richard's


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-16 09:39:15 UTC
okay! so i've just done a new update which outlines a rather (vague)
summary of the taper, there's another update to go out before that,
which is nearly there: in the meantime i'm making good progress with
the program that reads the ASCII PADS format, displays the tracks (so
i can see quickly what's going on), and alters the tracks to create
the taper.

attached is like the first version, it requires several adjustments
(all of which will be done programmatically).

btw richard: as it's done programmatically this *could* actually use a
*much* more accurate algorithm, and a lot more steps.

the steps have to be offset though. they *must* not all be on the
same 45 degree line, because if they did then the inter-pair spacing
would drop below 5mil, and when they got close to 5 mil separation the
*intra*-pair spacing would drop below 5mil. so everything needs to be
shuffled up in a cascade that relates (weirdly) to *half* of 45
degrees - 22.5

also it would appear that the horizontal tracks, i turned NE by 45
degrees a little bit too early (i did the tracks by eye) so i have to
alter that...

it's klunky but it's getting there.

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-17 04:12:59 UTC
ok sooOo... here's where i'm at so far:

* from the horizontal separation of the big straight i "virtually"
carried them along (or back in the case of TX0 and TXC) so that they
meet TX1 (green)

* i then pushed each track starting point out by a set fixed distance
such that each pair would be EXACTLY 15mil separation from the others
and EXACTLY 5mil separation inter-pair. this was a bit
trial-and-error but worked fine

* i then, using the same offset pattern, pushed the starting point
diagonally upwards, and also added something like 30 mil to the start
position to move the end point closer towards the end.

now, just to emphasise the problem i'm focussing on at the moment i've
reduced each 45-degree step from its proposed 15mil right down to
1mil. you can now see clearly that there are two problems:

(1) with the exact same starting offset the intra-pair separation,
which should be EXACTLY 5mil, clearly isn't. i need to add in an
extra offset of... um... i don't know exactly, it's probably sin(22.5)
* 5.0 or something.

(2) whilst TX2 and TX0 are being adjusted fine, TXC is "racing ahead".
this is because the amount that TXC is supposed to come in is DOUBLE
that of TX2 and TX0. so i doubled the 45 degree thing and then added
on a FIXED amount (15 mil) but it seems i forgot you'd be supposed to
subtract the 45 degree turning amount FROM the fixed amount, such that
the... you get the idea i'm sure.

anyway it should be fairly clear that there would be no way in seven
hells that this would be at all practical without doing it entirely in
software. at least thee *fundamental* flaws in my understanding of
how this should and could be done have been uncovered just in the past
2 days alone, each of which would have been SEVERAL DAYS of f*****g
about with manual PADS track layout.

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-17 05:12:59 UTC
... yyyyeahhh.... that looks better, doesn't it?

the left outer track is shuffled forward by... errr.... sqrt(2) / 4 * 5mil
the one in from that (HTX2P) doesn't need shuffling as it's right next
to the green pair...
the right outer one (HTXCN) by 3x that amount
the next one in (HTXCP) by 2x that amount
the next one in (HTX0N) by 1x that amount
HTX0P is right next to the green pair which is dead-straight so
doesn't need shuffling

so if i've got this right, the separation gap intra-pair should remain
at 5.0 mil, and when all the pairs get close together at the end they
should again be exactly 5.0 mil apart even on the 45 degree bending.

whewwww :)

i think that's it (oh, except the step needs adjusting to 15mil not
5mil as it is now). now i have to identify where in the PADS file the
rectangle for the keepout area is, add *that* to the parser as well,
then do the same maths and create a tethered keepout area. *sigh*...

Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 03:55:02 UTC
On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 10:12 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
... yyyyeahhh.... that looks better, doesn't it?
Strong work, Luke! That does indeed look nice.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
the left outer track is shuffled forward by... errr.... sqrt(2) / 4 * 5mil
the one in from that (HTX2P) doesn't need shuffling as it's right next
to the green pair...
the right outer one (HTXCN) by 3x that amount
the next one in (HTXCP) by 2x that amount
the next one in (HTX0N) by 1x that amount
HTX0P is right next to the green pair which is dead-straight so
doesn't need shuffling
so if i've got this right, the separation gap intra-pair should remain
at 5.0 mil, and when all the pairs get close together at the end they
should again be exactly 5.0 mil apart even on the 45 degree bending.
whewwww :)
i think that's it (oh, except the step needs adjusting to 15mil not
5mil as it is now). now i have to identify where in the PADS file the
rectangle for the keepout area is, add *that* to the parser as well,
then do the same maths and create a tethered keepout area. *sigh*...
I'm sorry I didn't fill in more of the geometric considerations.
Looks like you have them in hand.

When the step offset is d, then the 45 degree step travel will be sqrt(2.0) * d.

Looks like you have the starting positions parallel which was the
intent but I did not specify the mathematics. I didn't know what
origin or reference point and direction you would like to use.

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-18 04:05:47 UTC
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 3:55 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 10:12 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
... yyyyeahhh.... that looks better, doesn't it?
Strong work, Luke! That does indeed look nice.
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
i think that's it (oh, except the step needs adjusting to 15mil not
5mil as it is now). now i have to identify where in the PADS file the
rectangle for the keepout area is, add *that* to the parser as well,
then do the same maths and create a tethered keepout area. *sigh*...
I'm sorry I didn't fill in more of the geometric considerations.
Looks like you have them in hand.
in drunken-walk programming style .... yyyeah :)
Post by Richard Wilbur
When the step offset is d, then the 45 degree step travel will be sqrt(2.0) * d.
Looks like you have the starting positions parallel which was the
intent but I did not specify the mathematics. I didn't know what
origin or reference point and direction you would like to use.
i had the picture you drew memorised in my mind and realised the mistake.

so... ah.... key question here... is the taper needed or not? :)
should i instead be just setting 15mil clearance all round? (and put
a GND keepout underneath the ESD)?


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 05:16:47 UTC
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 9:05 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
so... ah.... key question here... is the taper needed or not? :)
The taper is a nice idea for changing the context smoothly but it
requires enough space that we can't return to our original context
before the cable connector (which is specified to be 100 Ohms). So I
think we're better off living with the small, brief discontinuities
due to incursions into our design geometrical constraints, than
introducing a hulking change in our design geometrical constraints to
cover up the incursions (with the likely effect of changing our
impedance) and having no space left to taper the new impedance to 100
Ohm at the connector.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
should i instead be just setting 15mil clearance all round? (and put
a GND keepout underneath the ESD)?
Are there signals beneath the ESD components on layer 3 or 4? If not,
we could put our ground reference planes on those layers under the ESD
components which would move them both one layer deeper. (We already
have several conveniently placed ground vias.) Otherwise, I would
just copy the lands for the ESD pads connected to the high-speed
signals and put them as ground keepouts on the normal ground reference
planes. (In other words, only keep out the copper on the reference
plane just under the signal path where it goes through a wide pad for
the ESD component.)

Likewise with the connector, I would put a ground keep out under the
lands on layer 2 (probably best to just draw a keepout under the whole
connector on layer 2) but allow layer 5 to provide a full ground
shield. (Provided my assumption is correct that the connector is
soldered on layer 1.)

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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 05:23:36 UTC
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 9:05 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
should i instead be just setting 15mil clearance all round?
I would suggest trying to maintain 15mil clearance when possible. But
it is not the end of the world if it can't be maintained--especially
over short distances.

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-18 05:24:37 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 5:23 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 9:05 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
should i instead be just setting 15mil clearance all round?
I would suggest trying to maintain 15mil clearance when possible. But
it is not the end of the world if it can't be maintained--especially
over short distances.
ok cool.

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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 05:45:10 UTC
Sorry for my long response times the last several weeks. I added
choir director to my collection of hats, 6 rehearsals, and performed 3
carols at the Christmas program on the 9th. I performed a piano trio
arrangement of a carol with my daughters on the 9th (Christmas
program) and 16th (cello recital). I accompanied 3 chamber groups at
their Fall final concert on the 13th. I accompanied 4 elementary
school string orchestras at a fundraiser on the 15th. I played the
organ for a church service on the 16th. This week looks to be a lot
slower: my daughter only has one concert, I have a choir rehearsal
and to organize a piano trio or quartet for this weekend.

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-18 05:55:44 UTC
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 5:45 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
Sorry for my long response times the last several weeks. I added
choir director to my collection of hats,
Post by Richard Wilbur
6 rehearsals, and performed 3
carols at the Christmas program on the 9th. I performed a piano trio
arrangement of a carol with my daughters on the 9th (Christmas
program) and 16th (cello recital). I accompanied 3 chamber groups at
their Fall final concert on the 13th. I accompanied 4 elementary
school string orchestras at a fundraiser on the 15th. I played the
organ for a church service on the 16th. This week looks to be a lot
slower: my daughter only has one concert, I have a choir rehearsal
and to organize a piano trio or quartet for this weekend.
nice! when i was in cambridge i joined a choir and formed a medieval
music group. interestingly because of that i gained both perfect
pitch *and* the ability to tell the time to the minute (lost now). i
used to confuse the hell of of people asking me for the time, being
able to respond correctly and instantly... they'd go and ask someone
else and get the exact same answer :)

the choir was open access (no auditions), you just turned up, which a
lot of people liked: no cliques, no pressure. we did Handel's Messiah
jaezzuss we made a hell of an impression: five HUNDRED people and a
full orchestra. it was aweesome. the next one we did Mozart's
Requiem and that one... how does it go.. "Verbegaal auu tre-ooo (tres
haut)..." it's the one the mice sing in the film "Babe"... :)

yeah. i miss singing.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-18 05:28:55 UTC
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 5:16 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 9:05 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
so... ah.... key question here... is the taper needed or not? :)
The taper is a nice idea for changing the context smoothly but it
requires enough space that we can't return to our original context
before the cable connector (which is specified to be 100 Ohms). So I
think we're better off living with the small, brief discontinuities
due to incursions into our design geometrical constraints, than
introducing a hulking change in our design geometrical constraints to
cover up the incursions (with the likely effect of changing our
impedance) and having no space left to taper the new impedance to 100
Ohm at the connector.
aw poop! i went to all the trouble of writing a parser for PADS :)
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
should i instead be just setting 15mil clearance all round? (and put
a GND keepout underneath the ESD)?
Are there signals beneath the ESD components on layer 3 or 4?
it seems i am sensible enough not to have done that :)
Post by Richard Wilbur
If not,
we could put our ground reference planes on those layers under the ESD
components which would move them both one layer deeper. (We already
have several conveniently placed ground vias.) Otherwise, I would
just copy the lands for the ESD pads connected to the high-speed
signals and put them as ground keepouts on the normal ground reference
makes sense to me
Post by Richard Wilbur
(In other words, only keep out the copper on the reference
plane just under the signal path where it goes through a wide pad for
the ESD component.)
including the 5 mil track *between* the ESD pads, or excluding that?
so literally just the ESD pads, yeah?
Post by Richard Wilbur
Likewise with the connector, I would put a ground keep out under the
lands on layer 2 (probably best to just draw a keepout under the whole
connector on layer 2)
including for the HSCL, HHPD and even the GND pads? of course there's
VIAs connecting the tracks in between the diff-pairs
Post by Richard Wilbur
but allow layer 5 to provide a full ground
shield. (Provided my assumption is correct that the connector is
soldered on layer 1.)
it is.

Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 06:03:17 UTC
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 10:28 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
aw poop! i went to all the trouble of writing a parser for PADS :)
That is pretty cool. Now you have a way to algorithmically generate
traces. I'm sorry we didn't need it, yet.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
Are there signals beneath the ESD components on layer 3 or 4?
it seems i am sensible enough not to have done that :)
Post by Richard Wilbur
If not,
we could put our ground reference planes on those layers under the ESD
components which would move them both one layer deeper. (We already
have several conveniently placed ground vias.)
So it might be easier to just put a ground keepout on layer 2 under
the ESD component on layer 1 and a corresponding ground fill on layer
3. Likewise a ground keepout on layer 5 under the ESD component(s) on
layer 6 and a corresponding ground fill on layer 4.

(The "otherwise" case below is given in case you feel more comfortable
putting keepouts on layers 2 and 5 than changing layers 3 and 4.)
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
Otherwise, I would
just copy the lands for the ESD pads connected to the high-speed
signals and put them as ground keepouts on the normal ground reference
makes sense to me
Post by Richard Wilbur
(In other words, only keep out the copper on the reference
plane just under the signal path where it goes through a wide pad for
the ESD component.)
including the 5 mil track *between* the ESD pads, or excluding that?
so literally just the ESD pads, yeah?
I was recommending just under the ESD pads specifically for the
high-frequency differential signals.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
Likewise with the connector, I would put a ground keep out under the
lands on layer 2 (probably best to just draw a keepout under the whole
connector on layer 2)
including for the HSCL, HHPD and even the GND pads? of course there's
VIAs connecting the tracks in between the diff-pairs
Wouldn't have to I suppose but the idea is to move the ground further
away from the high-frequency pads to reduce the capacitive coupling
thus increasing the impedance. Thus I think it's probably best to
extend the layer 2 keepout under the whole connector.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
but allow layer 5 to provide a full ground
shield. (Provided my assumption is correct that the connector is
soldered on layer 1.)
it is.

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-18 06:20:39 UTC
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 6:03 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
So it might be easier to just put a ground keepout on layer 2 under
the ESD component on layer 1 and a corresponding ground fill on layer
3. Likewise a ground keepout on layer 5 under the ESD component(s) on
layer 6 and a corresponding ground fill on layer 4.
yehyeh. ah.... do you mean the *whole* component? conflicts with
putting keepout(s) under individual pads...
Post by Richard Wilbur
I was recommending just under the ESD pads specifically for the
high-frequency differential signals.
conflicts with words above about "GND keepout under ESD components"...
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
Likewise with the connector, I would put a ground keep out under the
lands on layer 2 (probably best to just draw a keepout under the whole
connector on layer 2)
including for the HSCL, HHPD and even the GND pads? of course there's
VIAs connecting the tracks in between the diff-pairs
Wouldn't have to I suppose but the idea is to move the ground further
away from the high-frequency pads to reduce the capacitive coupling
thus increasing the impedance. Thus I think it's probably best to
extend the layer 2 keepout under the whole connector.
got it.


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 06:31:00 UTC
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 11:20 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 6:03 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
So it might be easier to just put a ground keepout on layer 2 under
the ESD component on layer 1 and a corresponding ground fill on layer
3. Likewise a ground keepout on layer 5 under the ESD component(s) on
layer 6 and a corresponding ground fill on layer 4.
yehyeh. ah.... do you mean the *whole* component? conflicts with
putting keepout(s) under individual pads...
Post by Richard Wilbur
I was recommending just under the ESD pads specifically for the
high-frequency differential signals.
conflicts with words above about "GND keepout under ESD components"...
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I wasn't very clear about delineating
the difference between two options for dealing with the ESD component
1. Ground keepout under whole ESD component(s) on adjacent reference
ground plane (layer 2 for ESD on layer 1, layer 5 for ESD on layer 6),
ground fill on deeper layer (layer 3 for ESD on layer 1, layer 4 for
ESD on layer 6). Ground fills connected as always using vias (some
probably already adjacent).
2. Ground keepouts under just high-frequency signal pads of ESD
components on adjacent reference ground plane (layer 2 for ESD on
layer 1, layer 5 for ESD on layer 6).

Clear as mud?

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-18 06:34:41 UTC
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 6:31 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I wasn't very clear about delineating
the difference between two options for dealing with the ESD component
i was wondering which one to deploy.
Post by Richard Wilbur
1. Ground keepout under whole ESD component(s) on adjacent reference
ground plane (layer 2 for ESD on layer 1, layer 5 for ESD on layer 6),
ground fill on deeper layer (layer 3 for ESD on layer 1, layer 4 for
ESD on layer 6). Ground fills connected as always using vias (some
probably already adjacent).
2. Ground keepouts under just high-frequency signal pads of ESD
components on adjacent reference ground plane (layer 2 for ESD on
layer 1, layer 5 for ESD on layer 6).
Clear as mud?
clear... except which one to actually deploy :)


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 07:02:37 UTC
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 11:34 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 6:31 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
1. Ground keepout under whole ESD component(s) on adjacent reference
ground plane (layer 2 for ESD on layer 1, layer 5 for ESD on layer 6),
ground fill on deeper layer (layer 3 for ESD on layer 1, layer 4 for
ESD on layer 6). Ground fills connected as always using vias (some
probably already adjacent).
2. Ground keepouts under just high-frequency signal pads of ESD
components on adjacent reference ground plane (layer 2 for ESD on
layer 1, layer 5 for ESD on layer 6).
Clear as mud?
clear... except which one to actually deploy :)
Well, I read about #2 in the TI High-Speed Layout but I like #1 better
because we have high-frequency signals in parallel on both sides of
the board and I'd feel better because I expect less cross-talk with
#1. #1 is a hybrid where we double the distance to the reference
ground plane but still have ground shield between high-frequency
signals that would otherwise want to radiate/couple.

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-18 10:02:23 UTC
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 7:02 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 11:34 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 6:31 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
1. Ground keepout under whole ESD component(s) on adjacent reference
ground plane (layer 2 for ESD on layer 1, layer 5 for ESD on layer 6),
ground fill on deeper layer (layer 3 for ESD on layer 1, layer 4 for
ESD on layer 6). Ground fills connected as always using vias (some
probably already adjacent).
clear... except which one to actually deploy :)
Well, I read about #2 in the TI High-Speed Layout but I like #1 better
because we have high-frequency signals in parallel on both sides of
the board and I'd feel better because I expect less cross-talk with
#1. #1 is a hybrid where we double the distance to the reference
ground plane but still have ground shield between high-frequency
signals that would otherwise want to radiate/couple.
yehyeh, makes sense to me. okay! it's also much more straightforward.


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 14:55:21 UTC
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 3:02 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 7:02 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 11:34 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 6:31 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
1. Ground keepout under whole ESD component(s) on adjacent reference
ground plane (layer 2 for ESD on layer 1, layer 5 for ESD on layer 6),
ground fill on deeper layer (layer 3 for ESD on layer 1, layer 4 for
ESD on layer 6). Ground fills connected as always using vias (some
probably already adjacent).
clear... except which one to actually deploy :)
Well, I read about #2 in the TI High-Speed Layout but I like #1 better
because we have high-frequency signals in parallel on both sides of
the board and I'd feel better because I expect less cross-talk with
#1. #1 is a hybrid where we double the distance to the reference
ground plane but still have ground shield between high-frequency
signals that would otherwise want to radiate/couple.
yehyeh, makes sense to me. okay! it's also much more straightforward.
After sleeping on it, I'd recommend making the new, deeper ground fill
slightly larger (~5mil? margin) than the ground keepout on the
original reference plane--as long as that's not too hard to

arm-netbook mailing list arm-***@lists.phcomp.co.uk
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-18 15:27:38 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 2:55 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 3:02 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 7:02 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 11:34 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 6:31 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
1. Ground keepout under whole ESD component(s) on adjacent reference
ground plane (layer 2 for ESD on layer 1, layer 5 for ESD on layer 6),
ground fill on deeper layer (layer 3 for ESD on layer 1, layer 4 for
ESD on layer 6). Ground fills connected as always using vias (some
probably already adjacent).
clear... except which one to actually deploy :)
Well, I read about #2 in the TI High-Speed Layout but I like #1 better
because we have high-frequency signals in parallel on both sides of
the board and I'd feel better because I expect less cross-talk with
#1. #1 is a hybrid where we double the distance to the reference
ground plane but still have ground shield between high-frequency
signals that would otherwise want to radiate/couple.
yehyeh, makes sense to me. okay! it's also much more straightforward.
After sleeping on it, I'd recommend making the new, deeper ground fill
slightly larger (~5mil? margin) than the ground keepout on the
original reference plane--as long as that's not too hard to
um... um.... noo shouuuld be fiiine.... niggles: from the last
picture you can see i have HHPD coming in at the top. and also i
remembered, pin 19 is 5V power, that's coming in (big track, green) on
Layer 4. however.... Layer 5 and 3 would have GND surround it, so
that's ok.


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 23:38:47 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 2:55 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
After sleeping on it, I'd recommend making the new, deeper ground fill
slightly larger (~5mil? margin) than the ground keepout on the
original reference plane--as long as that's not too hard to
In this case I was speaking of what I had quoted above this excerpt in its original context which was the treatment of traces beneath the ESD components (not the connector). In fact the trace in the middle of each ESD component is ground and is connected to other ground layers by several vias. Under that trace we might as well have a ribbon of ground plane on layers 2 and 5.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
um... um.... noo shouuuld be fiiine.... niggles: from the last
picture you can see i have HHPD coming in at the top. and also i
remembered, pin 19 is 5V power, that's coming in (big track, green) on
Layer 4. however.... Layer 5 and 3 would have GND surround it, so
that's ok.
Looks fine. As long as the high-frequency pins of the connector land on layer 1 with an unobstructed view of the ground plane on layer 5, I think we will have achieved our goal (moving the ground plane deeper in order to try and maintain ~100Ω differential impedance).
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-20 06:40:14 UTC
okaay, so this is what i've done: expanded the layer 1 keepout
(manually) to as near to 15mil as i can get. then added 2 keepouts on
layers 2 and 5. the line on the right is the board edge, so it goes
*right* out: the connector shield is there, i figure it can catch EMI.
plus there's layers 3 and 4 GND plane.

layer 5 is over BOTTOM (6, blue), that one i made just a rectangle,
extending out an extra 5 mil. however there's obviously VIAs in it
which... really... why make it 5 mil beyond and you still have those
VIAs? also, should i put a horizontal track across on Layer 5, say
10mil wide, between the 3 GND vias down the middle?

layer 2 is under TOP (1, red), the shape is a little more... slightly
messy, it goes round the connector (again extending right out over the
board edge, otherwise not enough space to maintain 15mil clearance),
and this time because there *is* no keepout area on layer 6 (should
there be one? i think i should, really.... hmmmm.) i brought the
keepout to within 15 mil of the ESD...

hmmm... i'll add an extra keepout area around where those red (layer
1) tracks are, i think.

thoughts / corrections appreciated

Richard Wilbur
2017-12-20 19:37:25 UTC
On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 11:40 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
okaay, so this is what i've done: expanded the layer 1 keepout
(manually) to as near to 15mil as i can get.
Sounds good. I think this would be a good thing for both the TOP
(layer 1, red) and BOTTOM (layer 6, blue) along the path of the
high-frequency signals (differential pairs). I see it on the BOTTOM
but not from the vias towards the ESD component on the TOP? We know
ahead of time there will be things that can't move outside the keepout
but it will at least keep the ground fill at bay.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
then added 2 keepouts on
layers 2 and 5. the line on the right is the board edge, so it goes
*right* out: the connector shield is there, i figure it can catch EMI.
plus there's layers 3 and 4 GND plane.
layer 5 is over BOTTOM (6, blue), that one i made just a rectangle,
extending out an extra 5 mil. however there's obviously VIAs in it
which... really... why make it 5 mil beyond and you still have those
VIAs? also, should i put a horizontal track across on Layer 5, say
10mil wide, between the 3 GND vias down the middle?
layer 2 is under TOP (1, red), the shape is a little more... slightly
messy, it goes round the connector (again extending right out over the
board edge, otherwise not enough space to maintain 15mil clearance),
and this time because there *is* no keepout area on layer 6 (should
there be one? i think i should, really.... hmmmm.) i brought the
keepout to within 15 mil of the ESD...
hmmm... i'll add an extra keepout area around where those red (layer
1) tracks are, i think.
thoughts / corrections appreciated
Good work, Luke! Let me try to clarify my recommendations as they
seem to have been mixed into one formula:

1. Around high-frequency differential pairs (regardless of layer) try
to maintain ~10mil keepout for at least the ground fill in the same
layer (BOTTOM = layer 6, blue; TOP = layer 1, red) from the ground and
signal vias to the connector. Then terminate the keepout (let it go
to the 5mil rule) around the connector on TOP=layer 1. This is a nod
to the fact that the spacing of pads is very close anyway.

2. Under ESD components with high-frequency differential pairs:
i. I would connect the ground vias along the center ground track on
every layer with a 10mil track, if not ground plane or fill.
ii. I would create a void in the close ground plane (layer 2 for
the ESD component on TOP=layer 1, layer 5 for the ESD component on
BOTTOM=layer 6) under the path (pads) of the high-frequency
differential pairs. One keepout/void for each differential pair in
light of (i) above.
iii. On the next deeper layer (layer 3 for the ESD component on
TOP=layer 1, layer 4 for the ESD component on BOTTOM=layer 6) create a
ground fill connected, if possible to the ground vias in the center of
the ESD component and the vias at the corners.

3. Under the high-frequency connector pads, a keepout on layer 2 (3
and 4) ground fill. The intent is that under the HTX?{P|N} connector
pads no copper till layer 5 ground fill.

Attached pictures hopefully elucidate the situation. Let me know if
anything seems amiss or you have any questions.
Richard Wilbur
2017-12-20 19:58:21 UTC
As soon as I sent the last message with the pictures, I realized I
hadn't drawn the ground keepout for layers 2,3,4 under the connector.
So here's the updated picture.
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-21 05:43:24 UTC
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
As soon as I sent the last message with the pictures, I realized I
hadn't drawn the ground keepout for layers 2,3,4 under the connector.
So here's the updated picture.
ok cool the pictures i dig :) yes i was thinking similar separation
(cyan drawing) with a 10mil horizontal track. on it...

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-22 08:54:37 UTC

ok so this is four pictures, i did flood-fill, i'm going to update
them incrementally, for example layer 1 in between the 2 points where
the flood-fill keepout is too narrow to let it in (the maximum
"curve" is something like 11 mil diameter) i've expanded that to let
it in. also layer5 the horizontal track doesn't reach all the way
over. the layer2 one i don't exactly know what to do, there's no VIA
nearby (and i can't fit one either).

this is a pain! i might see if i can set a clearance to GND on
individual tracks / connections as opposed to NETs.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-22 14:51:24 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 8:54 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
ok so this is four pictures, i did flood-fill, i'm going to update
them incrementally, for example layer 1 in between the 2 points where
the flood-fill keepout is too narrow to let it in (the maximum
"curve" is something like 11 mil diameter) i've expanded that to let
it in. also layer5 the horizontal track doesn't reach all the way
over. the layer2 one i don't exactly know what to do, there's no VIA
nearby (and i can't fit one either).
this is a pain! i might see if i can set a clearance to GND on
individual tracks / connections as opposed to NETs.
ok that worked. just uploading a video here:

turns out that there's a feature i'd not used before, called
"conditional rules". you can specify that *if* GND meets HDMI Group,
clearance rules shall be different. ordinarily you have to forcibly
set the *entire* GND plane to specific clearances (to ALL objects), or
the *entire* HDMI group to specific clearances (to ALL objects)...
this "conditional" rule does the trick.

richard i go over it in the video but i believe the layer... 5
keepout needs to also be extended under the layer 6 (blue, bottom)
tracks leading to the VIAs that jump up to the DC3 connector pads.
also i believe that i should be adding some tracks (pink) which,
particularly if there is to be a hole in layer 5 underneath, should be
around a 5 mil clearance, to match the fact that it's swapping
vertical distance for horizontal distance, what do you think?

Richard Wilbur
2017-12-22 21:37:07 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 8:54 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
this is a pain! i might see if i can set a clearance to GND on
individual tracks / connections as opposed to NETs.
turns out that there's a feature i'd not used before, called
"conditional rules". you can specify that *if* GND meets HDMI Group,
clearance rules shall be different. ordinarily you have to forcibly
set the *entire* GND plane to specific clearances (to ALL objects), or
the *entire* HDMI group to specific clearances (to ALL objects)...
this "conditional" rule does the trick.
Nice work! That certainly simplifies things!
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
richard i go over it in the video but i believe the layer... 5
keepout needs to also be extended under the layer 6 (blue, bottom)
tracks leading to the VIAs that jump up to the DC3 connector pads.
also i believe that i should be adding some tracks (pink) which,
particularly if there is to be a hole in layer 5 underneath, should be
around a 5 mil clearance, to match the fact that it's swapping
vertical distance for horizontal distance, what do you think?
I believe that the right thing is to not extend the layer 5 ground keepout under the differential nets on their way out to the connector because it is the ground plane for layer 6. The reason for dropping the ground plane under the connector pins (layer 1) from layer 2 to layer 5 is that the pins are so close to each other. But we are still interested in the shielding effect of ground plane below the high-frequency signals (on the differential pairs) on layer 1 and between the signals on layer 1 and those sneaking under on layer 6. That's my reason for keeping layer 5 ground fill everywhere except under the layer 6 high-frequency pads of the ESD (where he drop to ground on layer 4).
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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-22 22:32:29 UTC
Here's another view of the connector end with some slight revisions of
the ground fill and keepout boundaries between the ESD and connector


1. I moved the East extent of the layer 3 ground fill east to the
edge of the connector pads.
2. The layer 2 ground keepout remains open under the high-frequency
pads of both the ESD component and the connector.
3. The layer 2,3,4 ground keepout West edge moved with the East edge
of the layer 3 ground fill to the edge of the connector pads.

Thanks for the images and video, Luke.

Basically, this change is an attempt to drop from layer 1 microstrips
over layer 2 ground in the normal transmission line to layer 1
microstrips over layer 3 ground as we pass through the ESD component
layout and on to the connector at which point we transition to layer 1
pads (close spacing) over layer 5 ground.

On the other side we have layer 6 microstrips over layer 5 ground in
the normal transmission line. We transition to layer 6 microstrips
over layer 4 ground as we pass through the ESD component layout. We
move back to layer 6 microstrips over layer 5 ground on the way to the
vias that will connect us to layer 1 connector pads.
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-23 03:38:48 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 10:32 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
Here's another view of the connector end with some slight revisions of
the ground fill and keepout boundaries between the ESD and connector
1. I moved the East extent of the layer 3 ground fill east to the
edge of the connector pads.
ok remember that ground flood-fill is the entire layer 3, i'm not
creating a *specific* area for ground "fill", it's done by default
according to the (specified) design rules. with the new "conditional"
rule added, layer 3 now looks like this:
Loading Image...

so there's a few things i need to sort out, which i'll get to: main
reason for showing that image is: the clearance to the VIAs has also
extended to 15mil now. i believe it's not so much the vias though as
the tracks connected *to* the vias. if there has to be a 5 mil
clearance to those i can... maybe sort something out :)
Post by Richard Wilbur
2. The layer 2 ground keepout remains open under the high-frequency
pads of both the ESD component and the connector.
ok cool.
Post by Richard Wilbur
3. The layer 2,3,4 ground keepout West edge moved with the East edge
of the layer 3 ground fill to the edge of the connector pads.
oh wait... i haven't put in a keepout *at all* on layers 3 and 4.
you think it would be best to punch the hole *right* down so that it's
only layer 5 providing a GND plane for both sides? it makes sense, i
just want to confirm.
Post by Richard Wilbur
Thanks for the images and video, Luke.
ehn the vides are fun :)


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-23 04:26:34 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 10:32 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
Here's another view of the connector end with some slight revisions of
the ground fill and keepout boundaries between the ESD and connector
1. I moved the East extent of the layer 3 ground fill east to the
edge of the connector pads.
ok remember that ground flood-fill is the entire layer 3, i'm not
creating a *specific* area for ground "fill", it's done by default
according to the (specified) design rules. with the new "conditional"
so there's a few things i need to sort out, which i'll get to: main
reason for showing that image is: the clearance to the VIAs has also
extended to 15mil now. i believe it's not so much the vias though as
the tracks connected *to* the vias. if there has to be a 5 mil
clearance to those i can... maybe sort something out :)
15mil clearance to HDMI nets and vias won't hurt anybody's feelings! Looks good (minus the keepout under the connector).

Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
3. The layer 2,3,4 ground keepout West edge moved with the East edge
of the layer 3 ground fill to the edge of the connector pads.
oh wait... i haven't put in a keepout *at all* on layers 3 and 4.
you think it would be best to punch the hole *right* down so that it's
only layer 5 providing a GND plane for both sides? it makes sense, i
just want to confirm.
Yes, that is what I was asking for under the high-frequency differential signals at the connector. If you have reservations about it, let me know. I'm happy to get feedback from another perspective.

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-23 05:43:26 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 4:26 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
15mil clearance to HDMI nets and vias won't hurt anybody's feelings!
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
3. The layer 2,3,4 ground keepout West edge moved with the East edge
of the layer 3 ground fill to the edge of the connector pads.
oh wait... i haven't put in a keepout *at all* on layers 3 and 4.
you think it would be best to punch the hole *right* down so that it's
only layer 5 providing a GND plane for both sides? it makes sense, i
just want to confirm.
Yes, that is what I was asking for under the high-frequency differential
signals at the connector. If you have reservations about it, let me know.
nope, sounds good to me. i Get It.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-23 10:55:53 UTC

ok next one :)

i updated the links, http://hands.com/~lkcl/eoma/a20/275_hdmi/ 6 layer
screenshots this time

main thing is, i thiiink... there's a way for EMI to escape through
the holes in layer 5 (under ESD) on the east end, into the west end of
the layer 4 hole (under connector), what do you think?

also you can see, at points in the video (i'll go over it myself when
doing changes), i have to adapt the shape on layer... 6 to match the
(new, 15mil) clearance between HDMI tracks and GND, i'll do that...


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-24 22:29:03 UTC
Thanks again for the pictures and the video.

Concerning the keepouts under the connector:
1. At the north boundary I would pull the edge up a little further north away from the northwestern differential pair.

2. At the west boundary I see your point regarding layers 4 and 5. Looks like you have made a good solution. I suppose you could add 5mil additional overlap. How much overlap does it currently have? How much opening from the edge of the keepout on layer 4 to the edge of the closest connector pads?

I would vote to keep the layer 5 holes under the layer 6 ESD pads for the same reason we added them to layer 2 for the ESD pads on layer 1.

Some of the adjustments on layer 6 might be taken care of by modifying the net groups to create an "HDMI High-Frequency" group which contains only the differential pairs {HTX2P, HTX2N, HTX1P, HTX1N, HTX0P, HTX0N, HTXCP, HTXCN}, apply the 15mil conditional clearance rule to that group. Then see what issues remain.

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-25 12:52:08 UTC
On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 10:29 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
Thanks again for the pictures and the video.
no problem
Post by Richard Wilbur
1. At the north boundary I would pull the edge up a little further north away from the northwestern differential pair.
oh! ha, i just made it the opposite direction :) reason: HHPD acts
(kinda) as a GND for that top (HTX2P) and when i did the flood-fill it
looked really weird. i'm switching to a couple of different viewing
styles (one of them is actually the gerbers, there's an "X-Ray"

the top 2 VIAs right next to HTX2P are too far away, and the
15mil-to-GND-keepout condition makes things unbalanced. see proposed
GREEN new via placements and YELLOW track to correct that.

when i show X-ray-mode gerbers layers 1 & 2 i mark in yellow at top a
proposed modification, look good? you can see to pin 4 there is that
GND via, the shape of the hole gets really weird / sharp edges there.

also i'm aware that the layer 2 and 5 bottom-most
curved-shaped-keepout-holes are about 1 mil too far to the left, see
yellow (SE corner) where i'll move them both over.
Post by Richard Wilbur
2. At the west boundary I see your point regarding layers 4 and 5.
Looks like you have made a good solution.
I suppose you could add 5mil additional overlap.
How much overlap does it currently have?
currently arouuund 9mil roughly.
Post by Richard Wilbur
How much opening from the edge of the keepout
on layer 4 to the edge of the closest connector pads?
around 4mil. tracks are 5mil so can use that as a scale.
Post by Richard Wilbur
I would vote to keep the layer 5 holes under the layer 6 ESD pads
for the same reason we added them to layer 2 for the ESD pads on layer 1.
Post by Richard Wilbur
Some of the adjustments on layer 6 might be taken care of by
modifying the net groups to create an "HDMI High-Frequency"
group which contains only the differential pairs {HTX2P, HTX2N, HTX1P,
HTX1N, HTX0P, HTX0N, HTXCP, HTXCN}, apply the 15mil conditional
clearance rule to that group.
that's what's already done :)

oh, except to VIAs i kept it at 5mil, now i remember. 15 mil to
landing pads, 15 mil to tracks, 5mil to VIAs i think this was because
i didn't want the holes made by VIAs to be too large. what you think?
make them 15mil too?

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-27 07:48:55 UTC
oh - happy christmas everyone btw :)

should be available by the time this goes out, currently uploading.
i'm using actual gerber files (gerbv) to illustrate, as it is slightly
different and in some ways easier to visually interpret. i haven't
used that up until now as it's an extra step in the process.

richard if you need screenshots in order to properly illustrate
particular changes (describing them in words i find isn't quite
enough!) just ask, i can make them available.


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-27 20:51:24 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 10:29 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
1. At the north boundary I would pull the edge up a little further north away from the northwestern differential pair.
oh! ha, i just made it the opposite direction :) reason: HHPD acts
(kinda) as a GND for that top (HTX2P) and when i did the flood-fill it
looked really weird. i'm switching to a couple of different viewing
styles (one of them is actually the gerbers, there's an "X-Ray"
Looks like a good resolution of the issue.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
the top 2 VIAs right next to HTX2P are too far away, and the
15mil-to-GND-keepout condition makes things unbalanced. see proposed
GREEN new via placements and YELLOW track to correct that.
I see how it is unbalanced with respect to the two differential pairs--the outside conductors had close to 15mil clearance to ground but the inside conductors had only the distance to the next pad (which was considerably less, ~7mil?). So I applaud the change to make it more symmetric.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
when i show X-ray-mode gerbers layers 1 & 2 i mark in yellow at top a
proposed modification, look good? you can see to pin 4 there is that
GND via, the shape of the hole gets really weird / sharp edges there.
I'm not seeing the weird / sharp edges so you must have fixed them?
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
also i'm aware that the layer 2 and 5 bottom-most
curved-shaped-keepout-holes are about 1 mil too far to the left, see
yellow (SE corner) where i'll move them both over.
Again, I'm not seeing a problem so you must have fixed it.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
2. At the west boundary I see your point regarding layers 4 and 5.
Looks like you have made a good solution.
I suppose you could add 5mil additional overlap.
How much overlap does it currently have?
currently arouuund 9mil roughly.
Post by Richard Wilbur
How much opening from the edge of the keepout
on layer 4 to the edge of the closest connector pads?
around 4mil. tracks are 5mil so can use that as a scale.
In that case I think you have done enough. The overlap looks good.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
Some of the adjustments on layer 6 might be taken care of by
modifying the net groups to create an "HDMI High-Frequency"
group which contains only the differential pairs {HTX2P, HTX2N, HTX1P,
HTX1N, HTX0P, HTX0N, HTXCP, HTXCN}, apply the 15mil conditional
clearance rule to that group.
that's what's already done :)
oh, except to VIAs i kept it at 5mil, now i remember. 15 mil to
landing pads, 15 mil to tracks, 5mil to VIAs i think this was because
i didn't want the holes made by VIAs to be too large. what you think?
make them 15mil too?
I'm not as worried about the holes left by the vias on the east (connector) end as the west (processor) end of the differential pairs if we expanded clearance to 15mil. I'm guessing we have more current flowing through layers 2,4,5 over there. I guess the question boils down to, "Where are the power sources and sinks (including decoupling capacitors) relative to the HDMI high-frequency signal vias?" If the vias make holes on a line connecting power sources to sinks, then we need to either make sure there is plenty of copper providing a path around the holes or minimize the size of the holes.
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-27 21:10:02 UTC
On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 8:51 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
when i show X-ray-mode gerbers layers 1 & 2 i mark in yellow at top a
proposed modification, look good? you can see to pin 4 there is that
GND via, the shape of the hole gets really weird / sharp edges there.
I'm not seeing the weird / sharp edges so you must have fixed them?
i think so... you checked the video? i''ll do a close-up tomorrow
(5am here now)
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
also i'm aware that the layer 2 and 5 bottom-most
curved-shaped-keepout-holes are about 1 mil too far to the left, see
yellow (SE corner) where i'll move them both over.
Again, I'm not seeing a problem so you must have fixed it.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
2. At the west boundary I see your point regarding layers 4 and 5.
Looks like you have made a good solution.
I suppose you could add 5mil additional overlap.
How much overlap does it currently have?
currently arouuund 9mil roughly.
Post by Richard Wilbur
How much opening from the edge of the keepout
on layer 4 to the edge of the closest connector pads?
around 4mil. tracks are 5mil so can use that as a scale.
In that case I think you have done enough. The overlap looks good.
whewwww :)
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
Some of the adjustments on layer 6 might be taken care of by
modifying the net groups to create an "HDMI High-Frequency"
group which contains only the differential pairs {HTX2P, HTX2N, HTX1P,
HTX1N, HTX0P, HTX0N, HTXCP, HTXCN}, apply the 15mil conditional
clearance rule to that group.
that's what's already done :)
oh, except to VIAs i kept it at 5mil, now i remember. 15 mil to
landing pads, 15 mil to tracks, 5mil to VIAs i think this was because
i didn't want the holes made by VIAs to be too large. what you think?
make them 15mil too?
I'm not as worried about the holes left by the vias on the east (connector) end as the west (processor) end of the differential pairs if we expanded clearance to 15mil. I'm guessing we have more current flowing through layers 2,4,5 over there. I guess the question boils down to, "Where are the power sources and sinks (including decoupling capacitors) relative to the HDMI high-frequency signal vias?" If the vias make holes on a line connecting power sources to sinks, then we need to either make sure there is plenty of copper providing a path around the holes or minimize the size of the holes.
i'll check it again tomorrow but the 5VDC runs along layer 4 right
underneath the HDMI long E-W traces. layer 4 3V3 plane was a dog's
dinner mess that i had to tidy up last year, and, actually, removing
the legacy TSSOP-48 NAND finally actually allowed me to adjust things
so that it wasn't a total swiss cheese.

in geeeneral i'm happy with the power / GND layout, i've been paying
attention to it.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-28 09:49:30 UTC
ok so this, richard, is the point i was talking about, yellow arrow.
the purple area was formerly too far to the left, leaving a very weird
shape that i wasn't happy with.

all good. ok i'll move on to checking the ground planes and power
planes. PADS has this annoying habit of, when you join up two tracks,
it goes "oh that completes a loop... i'll just do the job of tidying
it up by DELETING all those GND VIAs you so carefully put in..."

nggggh so you have to keep an eye out for that :)

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-30 09:49:50 UTC
ok so i've passed richard the gerber files for a review, and i've done
the replacement of all 10uF 0805 capacitors with twin 4.7uF 0603.
full details outlined in a new update, which will likely be out next

i'm now in to "examining gerbers closely" mode which usually takes me
2-3 days, i go over them dozens of times, looking for things like "GND
VIAs that have been removed by PADS" and "tracks that aren't separated
by GND when they were previously" and "power lines and power planes
that might not hold enough current" and so on.

it needs to be done several times as there's so much detail it's easy
to miss things.

then when both richard and i are happy it'll go off to mike for him to
order, that'll take about.... 3-6 weeks. there will be NO rushing
here, they tend to screw it up. another set of 10 components will
need to be ordered, and we get to make 10 more 2.7.5 PCBs.

this time the assembly will be .... complicated by the fact that we
need to try out 1666mhz and 1800mhz DDR3 RAM ICs (which will be run at
only 375mhz), because the 1033mhz DDR3 RAM is getting F*****G
expensive, it's hit the tail-end of its lifecycle.

i might also have to ask him to track down some 1GB (4x 256mb) RAM ICs
as a "just in case" as well.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-03 12:03:29 UTC
ok i'm done with the 0805 10uF capacitors, and mostly-done messing
about looking at the gerber files for areas where ground tracks are
missing. currently i've added a keepout area around the DDR3 lines
because that's what i've seen done in other designs.

gotta get moving on this, richard - it'll be another 5-6 weeks if we
miss the window of opportunity before chinese new year.


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Richard Wilbur
2018-01-04 00:22:22 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
ok i'm done with the 0805 10uF capacitors, and mostly-done messing
about looking at the gerber files for areas where ground tracks are
missing. currently i've added a keepout area around the DDR3 lines
because that's what i've seen done in other designs.
gotta get moving on this, richard - it'll be another 5-6 weeks if we
miss the window of opportunity before chinese new year.
My initial feedback is it looks pretty nice. I sat down, read the documentation for the gerber viewer that comes with KiCAD and started getting my feet wet.

One recommendation for now as I have to leave for choir rehearsal--do the same thing with additional ground traces north and south of the ESD pads on layer 6 as you did on layer 1 to bring the distance between pad and ground down from 15mil to around the same as the pad-to-pad spacing of the ESD component pads.
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-04 04:53:37 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 12:22 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
My initial feedback is it looks pretty nice. I sat down, read the documentation
for the gerber viewer that comes with KiCAD and started getting my feet wet.
good god. you read documentation?? :)
Post by Richard Wilbur
One recommendation for now as I have to leave for choir rehearsal--do
the same thing with additional ground traces north and south of the ESD
pads on layer 6 as you did on layer 1 to bring the distance between pad
and ground down from 15mil to around the same as the pad-to-pad spacing
of the ESD component pads.
yep sorted. will send you new gerber set, for anyone else to see
(and also make it easier for you, richard) attached screenshot.

Richard Wilbur
2018-01-04 05:20:44 UTC
On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 9:53 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 12:22 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
My initial feedback is it looks pretty nice. I sat down, read the documentation
for the gerber viewer that comes with KiCAD and started getting my feet wet.
good god. you read documentation?? :)
I scanned it fairly quickly to get a good idea of how to interact with
the program. That way I had some idea what the icons meant and what
functions were available in the user interface. (Okay, I've written
documentation before so I figured since it was available I'd look it
over. It gave me a pretty quick idea of how the user interactions are
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
One recommendation for now as I have to leave for choir rehearsal--do
the same thing with additional ground traces north and south of the ESD
pads on layer 6 as you did on layer 1 to bring the distance between pad
and ground down from 15mil to around the same as the pad-to-pad spacing
of the ESD component pads.
yep sorted. will send you new gerber set, for anyone else to see
(and also make it easier for you, richard) attached screenshot.

I think that was the most important change I noticed. I am mainly
looking at the HDMI which we have been laboring over the last few

My next suggestion has an associated question:

I notice that north of the long east-west transmission line, at the
northern keepout boundary on layer 6, there are a couple of vias that
have almost complete ground shield between the vias and the HDMI TX2

Question: What is the fill polygon width for ground fill on layer 6?

I can see two fairly simple solutions to complete the ground shield
around these vias:
1. Add traces to complete the ground shield between vias and HDMI
differential pair.
2. Adjust trace/fill polygon width for ground fill on layer 6 till
the ground shield is complete.

I'll sleep on it and take another look tomorrow morning.

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Richard Wilbur
2018-01-05 07:32:26 UTC
On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 10:20 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
I notice that north of the long east-west transmission line, at the
northern keepout boundary on layer 6, there are a couple of vias that
have almost complete ground shield between the vias and the HDMI TX2
Question: What is the fill polygon width for ground fill on layer 6?
I can see two fairly simple solutions to complete the ground shield
1. Add traces to complete the ground shield between vias and HDMI
differential pair.
2. Adjust trace/fill polygon width for ground fill on layer 6 till
the ground shield is complete.
I'll sleep on it and take another look tomorrow morning.
Looks like you already addressed this in the latest gerbers! Any
chance we could use another trace to even up the little dimples that
are left in the edge facing the differential pairs?

I glanced at parts of the rest of the board but it would be much more
straightforward with the schematics. Do you have a way to compare
changes with previous versions of the board to see if PADS did
anything surprising behind your back?


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-05 07:44:17 UTC
Post by Richard Wilbur
Looks like you already addressed this in the latest gerbers!
Post by Richard Wilbur
chance we could use another trace to even up the little dimples that
are left in the edge facing the differential pairs?
always best to screenshot / arrow-mark it, richard. round-trip
delays getting critical here, we're up to 5th january already.
attached green arrows, i am guessing you mean, i remember you said
that causes... something-or-other... capacitance-related?

there's a few more like that back at the source diff-pair vias, i'll
think about whether to drop a plain square keepout in place (to
preserve 15mil) or a straight manual track. track would cut clearance
to around 12mil. thoughts?
Post by Richard Wilbur
I glanced at parts of the rest of the board but it would be much more
straightforward with the schematics.
not so concerned about the rest of the board, it's mainly the HDMI.
PDF version of schematics should be here
Post by Richard Wilbur
Do you have a way to compare
changes with previous versions of the board to see if PADS did
anything surprising behind your back?
the only way would be visual pdf diffs, and i've made several minor
changes as well that would show up and need to be reviewed, one by
one, and eliminated. i've found it's easier just to go over the board
making minor tweaks, because each time i do so i find one more "little
thing" such as a place where there's a capacitor that doesn't have a
nearby GND via and so on.
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-05 08:00:51 UTC
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 7:44 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
there's a few more like that back at the source diff-pair vias, i'll
think about whether to drop a plain square keepout in place (to
preserve 15mil) or a straight manual track. track would cut clearance
to around 12mil. thoughts?
rectangular all-layers keepout, showing 1 and 3 here... damn layers 2
and 5 have a weird shape (not enough clearance auto-generated) let me
make it an oval all-layers keepout instead...

will deal with the other end next.

Richard Wilbur
2018-01-05 08:27:44 UTC
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 1:00 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 7:44 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
there's a few more like that back at the source diff-pair vias, i'll
think about whether to drop a plain square keepout in place (to
preserve 15mil) or a straight manual track. track would cut clearance
to around 12mil. thoughts?
rectangular all-layers keepout, showing 1 and 3 here... damn layers 2
and 5 have a weird shape (not enough clearance auto-generated) let me
make it an oval all-layers keepout instead...
Those do look very nice, indeed!

arm-netbook mailing list arm-***@lists.phcomp.co.uk
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-05 11:05:44 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 1:00 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 7:44 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
there's a few more like that back at the source diff-pair vias, i'll
think about whether to drop a plain square keepout in place (to
preserve 15mil) or a straight manual track. track would cut clearance
to around 12mil. thoughts?
rectangular all-layers keepout, showing 1 and 3 here... damn layers 2
and 5 have a weird shape (not enough clearance auto-generated) let me
make it an oval all-layers keepout instead...
Those do look very nice, indeed!
did the trick. pain doing them by hand, had to do the flood-fill,
then adjust the keepout, then write down by hand the distances that
the keepout fitted cleanly to the edges, _then_ throw that file away,
_then_ go back and put the rectangle left-right... bletch :)

anyway i moved the PWM via up a bit, left the 3V3 VIAs where they
were - sorted.

Richard Wilbur
2018-01-05 16:02:01 UTC
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 4:05 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 1:00 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
rectangular all-layers keepout, showing 1 and 3 here... damn layers 2
and 5 have a weird shape (not enough clearance auto-generated) let me
make it an oval all-layers keepout instead...
Those do look very nice, indeed!
did the trick. pain doing them by hand, had to do the flood-fill,
then adjust the keepout, then write down by hand the distances that
the keepout fitted cleanly to the edges, _then_ throw that file away,
_then_ go back and put the rectangle left-right... bletch :)
anyway i moved the PWM via up a bit, left the 3V3 VIAs where they
were - sorted.
The results are great! Thanks for all the hard work to make it happen.

So I'm happy with the layout of the HDMI!

I checked for vias in component pads (manufacturability issue) and
since the gerber viewer I'm using complains about all the tools in the
drill file when I load it, I can't see the via holes. So there may be
several false alarms in this list. Could even be mostly false alarms.
But I would definitely check out C3 on layer 1 as there seems to be a
via in the middle of one of the pads. (Marked with red arrow in
attached picture.)
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-06 04:50:19 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 4:05 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 1:00 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
rectangular all-layers keepout, showing 1 and 3 here... damn layers 2
and 5 have a weird shape (not enough clearance auto-generated) let me
make it an oval all-layers keepout instead...
Those do look very nice, indeed!
did the trick. pain doing them by hand, had to do the flood-fill,
then adjust the keepout, then write down by hand the distances that
the keepout fitted cleanly to the edges, _then_ throw that file away,
_then_ go back and put the rectangle left-right... bletch :)
anyway i moved the PWM via up a bit, left the 3V3 VIAs where they
were - sorted.
The results are great! Thanks for all the hard work to make it happen.
yeah you too. dang it's been a while :)
Post by Richard Wilbur
So I'm happy with the layout of the HDMI!
Post by Richard Wilbur
I checked for vias in component pads (manufacturability issue) and
since the gerber viewer I'm using complains about all the tools in the
drill file when I load it, I can't see the via holes. So there may be
several false alarms in this list. Could even be mostly false alarms.
it's not. basically the trick has been, due to cramped space, to put
at least 2 VIAs around power decoupling capacitors (not done by me),
and they're just on the edge. space is pretty crowded and all
previous boards worked fine (and there's been a *lot* of
pre-production boards now).
Post by Richard Wilbur
But I would definitely check out C3 on layer 1 as there seems to be a
via in the middle of one of the pads. (Marked with red arrow in
attached picture.)
yehyeh good call that one was me, i had to reorganise the nearby
(East) power capacitors, and shuffle (West) the components next door,
in order to fit two (horizontal) 0603 4.7uF where there was previously
one (vertical) 0805 10uF.

shuffled that VIA up as there's plenty of space.

iiii think we're good.

now the only concern is, blasted frickin apple, has sucked world-wide
demand not just for the entire supply of 0.1 10 and 100uF capacitors
but f*****g DDR3 and eMMC *as well*.

i now have to be extremely careful on selecting the right DDR3 RAM
ICs... *sigh*.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-06 05:37:27 UTC
ok gerbers sent. waiting for confirmation from mike. with DDR3
prices being insane i'm not going to push hard for the PCB to be made,
nor the assembly done in a hurry.


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Richard Wilbur
2018-01-06 06:45:03 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
ok gerbers sent. waiting for confirmation from mike.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
with DDR3
prices being insane i'm not going to push hard for the PCB to be made,
nor the assembly done in a hurry.
Not having a rush on PCB fabrication or assembly may help control costs. Do you see DDR3 prices relaxing after Chinese New Year?
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-06 06:49:52 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
ok gerbers sent. waiting for confirmation from mike.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
with DDR3
prices being insane i'm not going to push hard for the PCB to be made,
nor the assembly done in a hurry.
Not having a rush on PCB fabrication or assembly may help control costs.
Do you see DDR3 prices relaxing after Chinese New Year?
absolutely no idea, and no way to tell.


arm-netbook mailing list arm-***@lists.phcomp.co.uk
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Richard Wilbur
2018-01-06 06:35:35 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 4:05 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 1:00 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
it's not. basically the trick has been, due to cramped space, to put
at least 2 VIAs around power decoupling capacitors (not done by me),
and they're just on the edge. space is pretty crowded and all
previous boards worked fine (and there's been a *lot* of
pre-production boards now).
In that case, no problem.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
But I would definitely check out C3 on layer 1 as there seems to be a
via in the middle of one of the pads. (Marked with red arrow in
attached picture.)
yehyeh good call that one was me, i had to reorganise the nearby
(East) power capacitors, and shuffle (West) the components next door,
in order to fit two (horizontal) 0603 4.7uF where there was previously
one (vertical) 0805 10uF.
shuffled that VIA up as there's plenty of space.
iiii think we're good.
Well I'm glad I looked and you had chance to fix it!
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
now the only concern is, blasted frickin apple, has sucked world-wide
demand not just for the entire supply of 0.1 10 and 100uF capacitors
but f*****g DDR3 and eMMC *as well*.
i now have to be extremely careful on selecting the right DDR3 RAM
ICs... *sigh*.
So the situation is the chips at the speed you designed for are much more expensive while faster ones are cheaper? So the trick is how to choose a faster chip and integrate successfully into a system running at lower speed than it is specified for?
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-06 06:49:28 UTC
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
now the only concern is, blasted frickin apple, has sucked world-wide
demand not just for the entire supply of 0.1 10 and 100uF capacitors
but f*****g DDR3 and eMMC *as well*.
i now have to be extremely careful on selecting the right DDR3 RAM
ICs... *sigh*.
So the situation is the chips at the speed you designed for are
much more expensive while faster ones are cheaper?
yyup... except it's more complicated than that: insatiable demand for
fulfilling apple apple apple apple apple apple orders is driving
EVERYTHING up as there is only a fixed capacity at the foundries
making DDR RAM. consequently, all remaining DDR RAM ICs at *ALL*
capacities and sizes are falling behind... consequently prices are
spiralling out of control.
Post by Richard Wilbur
So the trick is how to choose a faster chip and integrate successfully into a system running at lower speed than it is specified for?
yyup. have to use the 1800mhz 1.5v x8 DDR3 IC, which fortunately
happens to be down-compatible with 667mhz. the 1.35v DDR3L variant of
the same chip is *not*.

still, i cannot risk just relying on one possible DDR3 IC, so i will
have to source 1600mhz as well... and also last resort a 2gigabit IC
which will total, qty 4, only 1GBYTE of RAM.

the budget's fixed... it's just the way it's going to have to be.
make adjustments that fit within the budget, end of story.


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Richard Wilbur
2018-01-06 07:12:23 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
So the trick is how to choose a faster chip and integrate successfully into a system running at lower speed than it is specified for?
yyup. have to use the 1800mhz 1.5v x8 DDR3 IC, which fortunately
happens to be down-compatible with 667mhz. the 1.35v DDR3L variant of
the same chip is *not*.
Your changes to the power supply capacitors and vias should help accommodate faster edges, etc. from the faster chips.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
still, i cannot risk just relying on one possible DDR3 IC, so i will
have to source 1600mhz as well... and also last resort a 2gigabit IC
which will total, qty 4, only 1GBYTE of RAM.
the budget's fixed... it's just the way it's going to have to be.
make adjustments that fit within the budget, end of story.
Here's hoping the faster ones fit the budget and the circuit as I'm a big fan of providing as much RAM as possible!
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-06 09:17:33 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
yyup. have to use the 1800mhz 1.5v x8 DDR3 IC, which fortunately
happens to be down-compatible with 667mhz. the 1.35v DDR3L variant of
the same chip is *not*.
Your changes to the power supply capacitors and vias should
help accommodate faster edges, etc. from the faster chips.
yehyeh. not sure if the A20 can handle faster, but we'll see what
happens. some people have managed 450mhz i think.


arm-netbook mailing list arm-***@lists.phcomp.co.uk
Richard Wilbur
2018-01-06 14:28:45 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
So the trick is how to choose a faster chip and integrate successfully into a system running at lower speed than it is specified for?
yyup. have to use the 1800mhz 1.5v x8 DDR3 IC, which fortunately
happens to be down-compatible with 667mhz. the 1.35v DDR3L variant of
the same chip is *not*.
I was doing a little reading about DDR3 and noticed the 1.35V DDR3L memory chips are happy talking/running with 1.5V DDR3 systems.[1] So are you saying the 1800mhz 1.35v x8 DDR3L IC is not happy running at 667MHz? (Clock rate incompatibility versus voltage incompatibility?)

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDR3_SDRAM
arm-netbook mailing list arm-***@lists.phcomp.co.uk
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-06 16:00:24 UTC
=On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 2:28 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
So the trick is how to choose a faster chip and integrate successfully into a system running at lower speed than it is specified for?
yyup. have to use the 1800mhz 1.5v x8 DDR3 IC, which fortunately
happens to be down-compatible with 667mhz. the 1.35v DDR3L variant of
the same chip is *not*.
I was doing a little reading about DDR3 and noticed the 1.35V DDR3L memory chips are happy talking/running with 1.5V DDR3 systems.[1] So are you saying the 1800mhz 1.35v x8 DDR3L IC is not happy running at 667MHz? (Clock rate incompatibility versus voltage incompatibility?)
correct. the 1800mhz hynix 1.35v is specifically cut off from
supporting 667mhz and 800mhz modes. this boards' DDR3 layout is...
not... exactly... great... but it works, as long as you don't go over

funnily enough that turns out to be absolutely fine because four
DDR3x8 ICs running at 350mhz is abouuut.... half a watt or
thereabouts. power consumption goes up on a square law so it would be
really bad to run much faster, even if it was possible.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-06 04:28:55 UTC
still doing these tiny little changes, it's just the way it goes:
every time you look at the board in close zoom, it's like... "hmmm,
yeah that could be improved" and this latest one, it's the (now pair
of) capacitors for the main DDR3 power stabilisation.

previously this was a single 0805 capacitor lined up vertically.
there was plenty of connecting VIAs down to layer 4 DDR3 1.5v power
plane.... but because there were a MASSIVE array of tracks underneath
the GND pads there were no GND vias. whoops. and when replacing with
two 0603 4.7uF capacitors, i maintained that mistake.

i decided to turn both 0603 capacitors horizontal and then to beef up
the number of GND vias. this has the unintended side-effect of
drilling quite a lot of holes into the layer 4 DDR3 1.5v power plane
however as the GND vias are at the edge of the plane i consider this
acceptable. i have however made sure that the plane is free of holes
for getting the actual 1.5v power *in* to the plane, if that makes any

anyway a few more things like this... richard if you're happy with the
beginning of the HDMI area i'll send the gerbers off straight away.

Richard Wilbur
2018-01-06 06:24:35 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
every time you look at the board in close zoom, it's like... "hmmm,
yeah that could be improved" and this latest one, it's the (now pair
of) capacitors for the main DDR3 power stabilisation.
previously this was a single 0805 capacitor lined up vertically.
there was plenty of connecting VIAs down to layer 4 DDR3 1.5v power
plane.... but because there were a MASSIVE array of tracks underneath
the GND pads there were no GND vias. whoops. and when replacing with
two 0603 4.7uF capacitors, i maintained that mistake.
i decided to turn both 0603 capacitors horizontal and then to beef up
the number of GND vias. this has the unintended side-effect of
drilling quite a lot of holes into the layer 4 DDR3 1.5v power plane
however as the GND vias are at the edge of the plane i consider this
acceptable. i have however made sure that the plane is free of holes
for getting the actual 1.5v power *in* to the plane, if that makes any
Good stuff. Should make the power supply more stable for the DDR3 RAM chips!
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
anyway a few more things like this... richardt if you're happy with the
beginning of the HDMI area i'll send the gerbers off straight away.
I am happy with the HDMI but I was going to ask about silkscreen on pads--I saw several instances of silkscreen on areas you'll want covered in solder. Sorry I didn't bring it up earlier. Not a problem if you aren't having the silkscreen printed. Your board fab may also do the right thing and move the offending notations.
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-06 06:27:13 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
Post by Richard Wilbur
I am happy with the HDMI but I was going to ask about silkscreen on pads--I saw several instances of silkscreen on areas you'll want covered in solder. Sorry I didn't bring it up earlier. Not a problem if you aren't having the silkscreen printed. Your board fab may also do the right thing and move the offending notations.
they do. they exclude silkscreen from solder mask areas.


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Richard Wilbur
2018-01-06 06:39:51 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
I am happy with the HDMI but I was going to ask about silkscreen on pads--I saw several instances of silkscreen on areas you'll want covered in solder. Sorry I didn't bring it up earlier. Not a problem if you aren't having the silkscreen printed. Your board fab may also do the right thing and move the offending notations.
they do. they exclude silkscreen from solder mask areas.
Wonderful! One less problem to worry about.
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Richard Wilbur
2018-01-05 08:25:23 UTC
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 12:44 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
chance we could use another trace to even up the little dimples that
are left in the edge facing the differential pairs?
always best to screenshot / arrow-mark it, richard. round-trip
delays getting critical here, we're up to 5th january already.
I have attached a screenshot with red arrows. It is taken from the
long straight differential microstrip transmission lines on layer 6.
These are otherwise so clean and straight.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
attached green arrows, i am guessing you mean, i remember you said
that causes... something-or-other... capacitance-related?
The ones you marked weren't the ones I was looking at. I think they
are probably fine as they aren't too sharp, they mind the 15mil
clearance, and we are turning 90 degrees out of some signal vias onto
the top of the board. (If they were pointing at a straight side I'd
be more worried.)
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
there's a few more like that back at the source diff-pair vias, i'll
think about whether to drop a plain square keepout in place (to
preserve 15mil) or a straight manual track. track would cut clearance
to around 12mil. thoughts?
It is kind of tumultuous with the pairs coming from close quarters on
layer 1 and still to be sorted through the intra-pair
skew-compensating wiggles. What you've done at that end looks much
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
I glanced at parts of the rest of the board but it would be much more
straightforward with the schematics.
not so concerned about the rest of the board, it's mainly the HDMI.
PDF version of schematics should be here
I'll concentrate on the HDMI, then.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
Do you have a way to compare
changes with previous versions of the board to see if PADS did
anything surprising behind your back?
the only way would be visual pdf diffs, and i've made several minor
changes as well that would show up and need to be reviewed, one by
one, and eliminated. i've found it's easier just to go over the board
making minor tweaks, because each time i do so i find one more "little
thing" such as a place where there's a capacitor that doesn't have a
nearby GND via and so on.
Sounds good.
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2018-01-05 10:53:04 UTC
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
Post by Richard Wilbur
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 12:44 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
chance we could use another trace to even up the little dimples that
are left in the edge facing the differential pairs?
always best to screenshot / arrow-mark it, richard. round-trip
delays getting critical here, we're up to 5th january already.
I have attached a screenshot with red arrows. It is taken from the
long straight differential microstrip transmission lines on layer 6.
These are otherwise so clean and straight.
gooot it. yehyeh there's signals (3V3) and stuff close by
(unavoidably), and i have to put manual GND tracks in because the
flood-fill won't blotch in to spaces narrower than 10mil... it's a
setting somewhere and i kinda prefer it that way, otherwise flood-fill
tends to get into some really small spaces and creates awkward-looking
tiny shapes.
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
attached green arrows, i am guessing you mean, i remember you said
that causes... something-or-other... capacitance-related?
The ones you marked weren't the ones I was looking at. I think they
are probably fine as they aren't too sharp, they mind the 15mil
clearance, and we are turning 90 degrees out of some signal vias onto
the top of the board. (If they were pointing at a straight side I'd
be more worried.)
with you.
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
there's a few more like that back at the source diff-pair vias, i'll
think about whether to drop a plain square keepout in place (to
preserve 15mil) or a straight manual track. track would cut clearance
to around 12mil. thoughts?
It is kind of tumultuous with the pairs coming from close quarters on
layer 1 and still to be sorted through the intra-pair
skew-compensating wiggles. What you've done at that end looks much
yay :)
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
I glanced at parts of the rest of the board but it would be much more
straightforward with the schematics.
not so concerned about the rest of the board, it's mainly the HDMI.
PDF version of schematics should be here
I'll concentrate on the HDMI, then.
yes please


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-23 03:22:51 UTC
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On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 9:37 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 8:54 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
this is a pain! i might see if i can set a clearance to GND on
individual tracks / connections as opposed to NETs.
turns out that there's a feature i'd not used before, called
"conditional rules". you can specify that *if* GND meets HDMI Group,
clearance rules shall be different. ordinarily you have to forcibly
set the *entire* GND plane to specific clearances (to ALL objects), or
the *entire* HDMI group to specific clearances (to ALL objects)...
this "conditional" rule does the trick.
Nice work! That certainly simplifies things!
tell me about it. and also makes for much cleaner / accurate separation.
Post by Richard Wilbur
I believe that the right thing is to not extend the layer 5 ground
keepout under the differential nets on their way out to the connector
because it is the ground plane for layer 6.
that makes sense.
Post by Richard Wilbur
The reason for dropping the ground plane under the connector pins
(layer 1) from layer 2 to layer 5 is that the pins are so close to each other.
yyeahhh but so are the pins on the bottom layer ESD... which are
covered by the layer 5 GND keepout hole... it was under the connector
i was concerned about, with the VIAs on pins 4 10 and 16 (right-hand
row of 9) being guard VIAs that are within 5mil of HTX1P/N and
Post by Richard Wilbur
But we are still interested in the shielding effect of ground plane
below the high-frequency signals (on the differential pairs) on
layer 1 and between the signals on layer 1 and those sneaking
under on layer 6.
Post by Richard Wilbur
That's my reason for keeping layer 5 ground fill everywhere
except under the layer 6 high-frequency pads of the ESD
(where he drop to ground on layer 4).
yehyeh, with you.


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-23 04:13:23 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 9:37 PM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
The reason for dropping the ground plane under the connector pins
(layer 1) from layer 2 to layer 5 is that the pins are so close to each other.
yyeahhh but so are the pins on the bottom layer ESD... which are
covered by the layer 5 GND keepout hole... it was under the connector
i was concerned about, with the VIAs on pins 4 10 and 16 (right-hand
row of 9) being guard VIAs that are within 5mil of HTX1P/N and
Those ground vias I'm not so worried about as they don't look so much different to the proximity of neighbouring connector pins.
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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-23 05:42:25 UTC
On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 4:13 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
Those ground vias I'm not so worried about as they don't look so much different to the proximity of neighbouring connector pins.
ok. awesome.

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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 02:13:12 UTC
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 5:41 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:30 AM, Richard Wilbur
Post by Richard Wilbur
3. Reflections are more troublesome the further you get from the
signal source. Close to the source the reflection arrives at the
source during the signal rise time and can be overcome by the line driver.
Deviations from path in due NorthEast direction (+ signifies change in the
NorthWest direction, - signifies change in the SouthEast direction, units in mil)
<step> <Northern keepout> <TX1> <TX0> <TXC> <Southern keepout>
0 0 0 0 0 0
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Richard Wilbur
8 -1 1 2 3 4
okaay so the idea is, just after the long straight you make a series
of very tiny corrections by bringing each of the tracks inwards -
closer together - so that when you get to the point where you *have*
to be 5-7mil apart you're already neeearrrrly that far apart *anyway*
so it's not so bad.
That's the basic idea.

I spent a little time reflecting on the big picture (terrible pun, I know):
differential driver ->
connected to PCB with small clearances for the first ~100mil ->
via from layer 1 to layer 6, sort out intra-pair skew ~100mil? ->
differential microstrip transmission line (111 Ohm characteristic
impedance) ~500mil? ->
ESD suppression and sort out connections to cable connector ~200mil ->
100 Ohm cable connector ->
100 Ohm cable ~10000mil ->
100 Ohm cable connector ->
100 Ohm PCB connection to ->
100 Ohm HDMI receiver.

Many impedance improprieties can be forgiven during the signal rise
time--which is to say within the distance the signal propagates during
the first quarter wavelength of its highest characteristic frequency.
In this case we already calculated that to be 4300mil, which looks
like it will get us safely on to the cable!

In pondering the big picture I was reminded that the impedance on the
cable is again 100 Ohm, so unless we had a chance to taper back out to
that we will create a bigger impedance issue at the connector (having
tapered down to smaller clearances over ~100mil and then keeping those
clearances for another ~200mil out to the connector) than the short
problems of the incursions into our design parameters for the
differential microstrip transmission line. The ESD and connector
lands represent pretty short distances in the direction of signal
propagation. Their are other traces and vias that come closer but
over a relatively very short distance in the direction of signal
propagation. (We can combat the small problems at component lands by
possibly removing the ground plane directly below--essentially moving
it lower using a different layer for ground plane. Maybe use layer 3
or 4 instead of 2 or 5?)

So, if we had to adapt a line driver with some impedance to a line of
different impedance, the taper would be a fine solution. We, on the
other hand, have 100 Ohm impedance on both sides of the problem area
and thus are better served leaving the conduction path at 100 Ohm
impedance and taking some small hits rather than changing it without
the room to do as good a job of changing it back.

Sorry for jumping down that rabbit hole! The solution was worse than
the problem! That's what I get for focusing too closely on details
without gazing at the forest again, once in a while.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-09 19:39:30 UTC
hiya richard,

ok so just to check, are you recommending a multi-staggered approach,
according to that table:
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -1 1 2 3 4
2 -1 1 2 3 4
3 -1 1 2 3 4
4 -2 2 4 6 8
5 -2 2 4 6 8
6 -1 1 2 3 4
7 -1 1 2 3 4
8 -1 1 2 3 4

so that would be *eight* separate bring-ins?

or are you just recommending the *one* bring-in, where the table
specifies how *much* each particular trace should be offset by? so 0
would be dummy, 1 would be TX2N, 2 would be TX2P .... 8 would be TX2P?

(bear in mind, like i mentioned, i am thinking of keeping TX1 where it
is instead of TX2, because of the diff-pair VIA positions, i can
adjust the offsets accordingly)

Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 02:32:43 UTC
On Sat, Dec 9, 2017 at 12:39 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
ok so just to check, are you recommending a multi-staggered approach,
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -1 1 2 3 4
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
8 -1 1 2 3 4
so that would be *eight* separate bring-ins?
Yes, 8 separate, small steps bringing the pairs closer.
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
or are you just recommending the *one* bring-in, where the table
specifies how *much* each particular trace should be offset by?
You are missing the heading that specified:
<step #> <north keepout> <TX1> <TX0> <TXC> <south keepout>
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
(bear in mind, like i mentioned, i am thinking of keeping TX1 where it
is instead of TX2, because of the diff-pair VIA positions, i can
adjust the offsets accordingly)
That would be fine to hold TX1 stationary instead of TX2, it even
makes for a more symmetric taper thus the maximum offset will be
<step#> <north keepout> <TX2> <TX0> <TXC> <south keepout>
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -2 -1 1 2 3
2 -2 -1 1 2 3
3 -2 -1 1 2 3
4 -4 -2 2 4 6
5 -4 -2 2 4 6
6 -2 -1 1 2 3
7 -2 -1 1 2 3
8 -2 -1 1 2 3

P.S. See other post where I climbed out of the rabbit hole and
recommend against doing the taper after all.

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-10 04:37:48 UTC
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:30 AM, Richard Wilbur
Good grief that took awhile! I'm now completely sold on the
concept of Computer-Aided Design (I've used some awkward implementations
before but this was done with pencil, pen, measuring tape, and book spine
for straight edge).
... what... you don't just draw them by hand? :)

rright. there's no way i'm doing this layout by hand. i'm going to
do something that i meant to do a long time ago: investigate how to
use the DCOM interface to PADS. that *shudder* means installing
python2.7 under windows.

basically it should be perfectly possible to use the COM interface to
hunt down the tracks by name, and in an *automated* fashion add in
track segments according to the layout you designed, richard.

what that also means is, if i get it wrong, it's a simple matter of
adjusting the python program to redo it.

ohh dearie me :)


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2017-12-10 11:19:32 UTC
ok i looked at using the COM interface, and... it's incomplete,
lacking the set of required functions to do things such as "add

sooOoo... i think i'll take a different approach: i'll write a parser
for the ASCII-exported version of the PCB file, track down the
relevant sections and replace them with auto-generated tracks.

actually what this approach would allow is, to potentially add in
proper curves. if i'm going to use tables mathematically to automate
the track generation, i might as well go the whole hog, richard, and
do the equations from that 1956 paper, properly. even if it means
adding thousands of segments.

what do you think?


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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 02:41:32 UTC
On Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 4:19 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
ok i looked at using the COM interface, and... it's incomplete,
lacking the set of required functions to do things such as "add
sooOoo... i think i'll take a different approach: i'll write a parser
for the ASCII-exported version of the PCB file, track down the
relevant sections and replace them with auto-generated tracks.
actually what this approach would allow is, to potentially add in
proper curves. if i'm going to use tables mathematically to automate
the track generation, i might as well go the whole hog, richard, and
do the equations from that 1956 paper, properly. even if it means
adding thousands of segments.
what do you think?
Sounds pretty cool! How about we revisit this when we implement
something that uses a microwave radio (cellular radio, wifi, etc.)?

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Richard Wilbur
2017-12-18 02:37:23 UTC
On Sat, Dec 9, 2017 at 9:37 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:30 AM, Richard Wilbur
Good grief that took awhile! I'm now completely sold on the
concept of Computer-Aided Design (I've used some awkward implementations
before but this was done with pencil, pen, measuring tape, and book spine
for straight edge).
... what... you don't just draw them by hand? :)
rright. there's no way i'm doing this layout by hand.
God forbid! I had no intention of recommending anyone do the layout
by hand. I was doing part of it that way and lamenting the
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
i'm going to
do something that i meant to do a long time ago: investigate how to
use the DCOM interface to PADS. that *shudder* means installing
python2.7 under windows.
basically it should be perfectly possible to use the COM interface to
hunt down the tracks by name, and in an *automated* fashion add in
track segments according to the layout you designed, richard.
what that also means is, if i get it wrong, it's a simple matter of
adjusting the python program to redo it.
ohh dearie me :)
Sounds pretty cool--like a plugin interface for PADS?

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