On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 1:49 PM, Jean-Luc Aufranc
Post by Jean-Luc Aufranchttp://www.cnx-software.com/2015/12/10/allwinner-a64-android-5-1-sdk-and-linux-source-code/#comment-517449
awesome - thanks jean-luc. that will help some new friends i know
who would like to work with the A64.
i've done a quick preliminary analysis: kernel 3.10 and u-boot source
code are there. the u-boot code i have not yet detected any GPL
violations: even the NAND source code is there. it's not properly
marked up: yet again, those fucking STUPID procedures that tom's
ex-manager set up are being run on the code, to destroy and remove all
responsibility for copyright ownership, but other than that, even the
source code for boot0 and other things such as the SPL initialiser
code are all there.
the kernel source is a different matter: i've found two clear and
blatant GPL violations already (in modules) - one is the usual
"libnand" (despite the fact that the u-boot code contains the NAND
source code), the other is some "secure" library.
now, product-wise, people downloading the GPL-violating A64 SDK may
simply create products that *don't use* NAND (or this "secure"
library) - booting from SPI, SD or eMMC is perfectly possible instead,
and in that way create GPL-compliant products. we already have a
clear authoritative written word from an official allwinner
representative that any code marked as "all rights reserved" may be
modified to state "GPLv2, Copyright Allwinner", although strictly
speaking we know that allwinner is supposed to make that mark-up
itself... fascinating to be working with products from a company
that's fighting itself, left hand not knowing what the right is
anyway gotta go,
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