[Arm-netbook] Vero Apparatus: Another Arm Laptop Project
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2015-08-12 21:44:13 UTC
great - they might be interested to start with the laptop casework i
designed, instead of trying to retro-fit something.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 10:35 PM, Alexander Stephen Thomas Ross
leant of it via #neo900 on freenode thanks to edwin.
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Paul Boddie
2015-08-12 22:00:22 UTC
leant of it via #neo900 on freenode thanks to edwin.
Interesting! Some familiar Debian names feature on the wiki, and they seem to
want to go with the AMD 64-bit ARM offerings, which is a bit brave.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2015-08-12 22:06:44 UTC
the allwinner one is $5 - however it's something like 10 watts (!)
Post by Paul Boddie
leant of it via #neo900 on freenode thanks to edwin.
Interesting! Some familiar Debian names feature on the wiki, and they seem to
want to go with the AMD 64-bit ARM offerings, which is a bit brave.
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2015-08-13 10:57:27 UTC
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
great - they might be interested to start with the laptop casework i
designed, instead of trying to retro-fit something.
I sit in an office with people working on this. The plan was to
retrofit, precisely to avoid the hassle for doing the mech-eng work,
which we all know is hard. And we all like our lenovo boxes.

I did show someone your case, but quite a lot of people have been
stockpiling x220 cases for a while now, so this probably won't change
for the 1st iteration.

We are actually stalled on availability of the AMD part so nothing
much has moved for 6 months. We may have to move to another part.

There should be a 64-bit arm laptop prototype at debconf, which will
also be interesting. No-idea if that will actualy see the light of
day, or when...

Principal hats: Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2015-08-13 11:56:30 UTC
Post by Wookey
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
great - they might be interested to start with the laptop casework i
designed, instead of trying to retro-fit something.
I sit in an office with people working on this. The plan was to
retrofit, precisely to avoid the hassle for doing the mech-eng work,
which we all know is hard.
yes - 6 months and counting... but i've done that 6 months already
(for a client that wants to sell libre laptops)
Post by Wookey
And we all like our lenovo boxes.
... i know - they really are good. back in 2009 i considered doing a
drop-in board into some suitable legacy casework. i was still
seriously considering it by about 2011... and the more i learned, the
more i realised it was a bad idea to use pre-existing casework.

... but, y'know... if you haven't had the experience, it sounds like
a really good idea, and y'know, maybe the team you're working with
will pull it off.

the rest of the answers, below, i've written on the assumption that
the team you're working with would be interested to have a glimpse of
some of the kinds of questions and issues that they will need to
consider, if the project is to be a success.
Post by Wookey
I did show someone your case, but quite a lot of people have been
stockpiling x220 cases for a while now, so this probably won't change
for the 1st iteration.
well, do invite them to consider what happens if the project becomes
popular, and there are not 100 people but 500 or even 2000 people who
want arm64 laptops, especially over the next 3-5 years.

also, invite the team to consider if they could source say qty 50
x220 cases in a couple of months, in order to fulfil an order by
thinkpenguin, gluglug or one of the other libre-hardware suppliers.

also, wookey, do invite them to consider learning from the mistake
that i made, which was to have the casework [of the tablet] designed
*BEFORE* doing the component selection and PCB design [i did tell the
person we paid $10k to do both at the same time, but he didn't

also, here's some immediate questions to consider:

(1) can you get hold of enough LCDs?
(2) are they still in stock?
(3) are they affordable?
(4) if not, can you find a replacement that fits *exactly* in the
available space, including routing the cables correctly?
(5) can you get hold of enough keyboards?
(6) can you get hold of enough mouse trackpads?
(7) can you get hold of the batteries?
(8) have you reverse-engineered the battery connections?
(9) have you checked to see if there's some DRM or communications
hardware in the battery which, if you don't monitor properly, would
prevent it from charging, operating, or would even cause it to blow up
if you got it wrong?
(10) have you checked that the battery charging IC compatible with
that *very specific* battery is still available?
(11) if the battery's not available, have you considered that you
would need to reverse-engineer the battery casework to create a

that's just what i can think of off the top of my head. the number
of questions that you have to be absolutely, absolutely positive of
the answers, is just... it's overwhelming.

one mistake [one component that's absolutely critical and you
absolutely absolutely have to have it because otherwise it won't fit
in the pre-selected case] and everything you've done up until that
point will have been completely wasted.

so it costs.... upwards of $4k to $10k (depending on how you go about
it) to get a PCB made that fits *exactly* in the (pre-selected)

.... and you made one mistake, have to abandon the pre-selected case,
and all that money spent on PCB design is gone. wasted. you have to
start again, with a totally new design that fits precisely and exactly
into the next casework selected, and you have to check that aaaalll
the components of the newly-selected casework also fit, and are
available, and are affordable.

and that takes months - literally. all that checking.

...and by that time, the SoC - the core of the project - goes
end-of-life because it's not popular enough.

so you get 1/2 way through the *second* $4k to $10k spend on PCB
design and prototyping... and you have to abandon the 2nd board,
select a new SoC and start entirely again.
Post by Wookey
We are actually stalled on availability of the AMD part so nothing
much has moved for 6 months. We may have to move to another part.
yep... welcome to the insanity of AMD. i got absolutely no response
- whatsoever - out of them, either.

repeat that for N manufacturers, fast-forward 5 years, and you begin
to understand why i've been making available commonly-available
(usually china-sourced) SoCs.

basically i've picked SoCs where the manufacturers either already
provide the full source code, full datasheet, as well as either a full
Reference Design or at the absolute very least the RAM-to-SoC
connections already done.

doing DDR2/3/4 layout is an amazingly specialist task: if you're
planning to support SO-DIMMs the job *may* be slightly easier.

but please, if you don't get a response from an SoC manufacturer, move
on. and if it's not hugely popular already, move on. chances are
that if they're silent, they either consider you to be a waste of time
(too small), or they have had so little interest in the SoC that
they're embarrassed to admit it was marketed in the first place, and
have, incredibly, already written off the $40m investment to get to
the point of having working silicon.

now, if you were going to order a million of them, they'd be knocking
on your door! but... 100? they won't even give you the time of day -
not even if you have contacts at ARM and are a team of prominent
Debian Developers.

apologies if you've considered all these things already, and have
answers. apologies also if there's so much that it seems
overwhelming... but this is what you've chosen to take on, so you do
really really need to be considering all of these things, and much
much more besides.
Post by Wookey
There should be a 64-bit arm laptop prototype at debconf, which will
also be interesting. No-idea if that will actualy see the light of
day, or when...
there's another project... openlunchbox or something... they've set a
very high barrier to entry.


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2015-08-13 17:10:25 UTC
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
(11) if the battery's not available, have you considered that you
would need to reverse-engineer the battery casework to create a
i just thought of another one that's really quite important:

(12) the connectors are very specific heights and very specific
dimensions. USB connectors - especially laptop ones - are incredibly
varied. can you get *EXACTLY* the right connectors (all of them) that
will fit in *EXACTLY* the right places?

USB ports, VGA port, HDMI port (if there is one), headphone socket....

all of these you have to source *exactly* the right part... and i can
tell you right now that even a patient and experienced china sourcing
agent - given that these parts are simply not properly listed on any
web site (it's all word-of-mouth) - is going to need paying, for the
quantities involved.

if you cannot find even just one of the connectors, you will need to
consider cutting holes in the casework. or re-using an existing hole
which was not intended for the purpose, and creating a

... so can you see, wookie, why it sounds really attractive,
initially, to only make a small run of custom PCBs to retro-fit an
existing case, but when you get down to the details, the risk of
failure to complete just keeps going up and up.

if you were doing just the one, as a "hack" a la "labour of love",
i'd say "yeah go for it". it wouldn't matter if the connectors were
sticking out wrong (or at all), or were resin-glued into place... but
100 or more?


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Paul Boddie
2015-08-13 12:18:16 UTC
Post by Wookey
Post by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
great - they might be interested to start with the laptop casework i
designed, instead of trying to retro-fit something.
I sit in an office with people working on this. The plan was to
retrofit, precisely to avoid the hassle for doing the mech-eng work,
which we all know is hard. And we all like our lenovo boxes.
As long as they don't have that stupid touchpad with the buttons underneath
it. ;-)
Post by Wookey
I did show someone your case, but quite a lot of people have been
stockpiling x220 cases for a while now, so this probably won't change
for the 1st iteration.
It's like they're doing the NeoX220 project. :-) (If you don't get the
reference, the Neo900 project re-uses the cases from N900 smartphones,
effectively giving the N900 an upgrade.)
Post by Wookey
We are actually stalled on availability of the AMD part so nothing
much has moved for 6 months. We may have to move to another part.
What is the situation with AMD and the Opteron-A stuff, anyway? It sounded
like a promising product with the other 64-bit (or server) ARM products
vanishing from the market. Is it another case of AMD not delivering?
Post by Wookey
There should be a 64-bit arm laptop prototype at debconf, which will
also be interesting. No-idea if that will actualy see the light of
day, or when...
Is there any reason why they didn't choose to go with EOMA-68 or a related
modular hardware concept? Also, was the focus on ARM because that's the area
of most expertise amongst those involved? Sorry if you end up having to ask
those other people our questions!


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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2015-08-13 12:55:12 UTC
Post by Paul Boddie
Is there any reason why they didn't choose to go with EOMA-68 or a related
modular hardware concept?
openlunchbox are planning a modular design, for example.

remember though paul that i've been thinking about what's realistic
and achievable (entirely from scratch) for a significantly long time.
with a $250k budget you could do absolutely anything you wanted -
bring that down to $25k and the options become very very different.

but if they've budgeted around $40k - and if there's enough people in
the team with enough of a reputation they may have enough income
and/or clout to consider doing that - then the compromises and limits
(such as a 5W absolute max power budget, no fans, single-cell
batteries for dramatic circuit simplification) that i've learned in
order to achieve the goal... many of those compromises do not need to
be made.

the thing is, paul, that people only see the low power and the "low"
spec of EOMA68 and go "wtf??? that's pathetic! i'm not going to use
*that* in my project exclamation-mark, exclamation-mark"...

... they don't realise *why* it was picked... so they set a much,
much higher entry level...
Post by Paul Boddie
Also, was the focus on ARM because that's the area
of most expertise amongst those involved? Sorry if you end up having to ask
those other people our questions!
looking at the vera wiki they want PCIe, SATA and more besides,
perhaps even external (PCIe) for an external 3D GPU (MXM or
some-such). basically that's 30 watt and above territory (and another
30 watts for the external 3D GPU).

which is an enormous amount of power (and heat). by contrast, the
libre 15.6in laptop is 15W absolute max [5W absolute max for the CPU
Card but 3.5W nominal; 3.5 for the LCD... i may have to remove one of
the 3 USB2 ports to keep within budget...]

by the time you've accounted for the LCD (appx 10 watts),
server-class SoC (appx 10 watts), SATA hard drive (appx 5 watts) and
some USB ports (5 watts for 2 USB2s, but 10 watts and above for 2 or
more USB3s).

in these designs you need to take into account the *max* rated (peak)
power, not the "average" or "scenario design power". surge current on
LCDs is often 3x its running current. peak power on these 64-bit ARM
processors is... well, the start-up current for the iMX6 was something
like 4 amps... you need to assume that the USB ports are all going to
be drained at absolute max power...

and that means 3-4 cell batteries (take a look at the novena battery
charger circuit - it has cell monitoring - BMS support), you need to
consider thermal management, you need fans, heatsinks, 2oz copper
tracks to handle a 4 to 5A current [meaning: expensive PCBs]...

in other words i stayed completely away from all of that, for very
good reasons, so that what i am doing stands a realistic chance of

for the 15.6in libre laptop, literally the only battery charger IC i
could find that was single-cell that could handle 4A charging, and
provide a 3A 5V supply, and could do USB-OTG charging and power
supply, was the Linear LTC4155.

the LTC4155 is an awesome bit of kit, it does the job of about 50
other discrete components which would cost a heck of a lot more, and i
hope to god it doesn't go end-of-life because if it does i'm buggered

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Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2015-08-13 14:06:19 UTC
i looked up a review of the speed of the latest class 10 micro-sd cards:


some of these are 128gbyte micro-sd cards. random and arbitrary as it
is, some of these micro-sd cards are doing 85 megabytes per second
read speed, and 54mbytes/sec write speed.

not even intel's 120gbyte "enterprise" SATA SSD from a couple of years
ago could match that kind of read or write speed.

on slashdot we've already seen announcements - just last week - that
NAND is already being retired, and that the top solid-state companies
will be doing enormous SD cards using the new 3D flash storage (istrc
one was planning a 512gbyte card).

so i really, really question the strict need for SATA ports, these
days. in the embedded world, eMMC is really taking off. even the
lowly $2 QFP IC3128 has support for eMMC.


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