[Arm-netbook] HDMI High-Frequency Layout: Libre Field Solvers
Richard Wilbur
2017-08-04 00:24:39 UTC
HDMI Layout Notes
for EOMA68 Cards
by Richard Wilbur

Libre Field Solvers[24]
(Free Computational Electromagnetic Modeling Codes list at the Clemson
University Vehicular Electronics Laboratory)

Name License URL
Angora GPL http://www.angorafdtd.org/
atlc - Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator (for transmission lines
and directional couplers)
GPL http://atlc.sourceforge.net/
Elmer GPL/LGPL https://www.csc.fi/web/elmer
EMAP BSD-esque? http://www.cvel.clemson.edu/modeling/EMAG/EMAP/emap5/
FastImp MIT http://www.rle.mit.edu/cpg/fastimp.htm
GSVIT GPL http://gsvit.net/
MEEP GPL http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/Meep
MMTL - Multilayer Multiconductor Transmission Line
GPL http://mmtl.sourceforge.net/
openEMS GPLv3+ http://openems.de/start/index.php
GPLv3+ http://openmax.ethz.ch/
(runs on Linux under wine)
pdnMesh GPLv2 http://pdnmesh.sourceforge.net/
Puma-EM GPLv2 https://sourceforge.net/projects/puma-em/
WOLFSIM GPLv2 https://sourceforge.net/projects/wolfsim/
xfemm - Cross-platform Finite Element Method Magnetics
Aladdin Free Public License, Apache Licence v2.0

These are the field solvers that had what I understood to be a libre
license from Clemson's list. There are fourteen packages here that
made the cut and align with the goals of this project. I have no
familiarity nor expertise with any of them or I would be in a better
position to make a recommendation. It would be useful to be able to
model not only the differential microstrip structure with ground
shield traces and vias, but also signal vias for tuning them to

[24] http://www.cvel.clemson.edu/modeling/EMAG/free-codes.html

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