[Arm-netbook] RGB-to-MIPI
Miguel Garcia
2014-05-25 09:01:46 UTC
Hello everyone.

Because EOMA-68 use RGB connection and most HD screens will use MIPI,
I've been looking for a RGB-to-MIPI IC.

Finally I found a RGB-to-MIPI IC, the part is SSD2828.

At 1K pcs, the SSD2828 price is €4.20.

The datasheet is not public, but if someone wants the datasheet, leave
a message and I will send it by email.

Do you know any better alternative?

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
2014-05-25 09:16:54 UTC
Post by Miguel Garcia
Hello everyone.
Because EOMA-68 use RGB connection and most HD screens will use MIPI,
I've been looking for a RGB-to-MIPI IC.
Finally I found a RGB-to-MIPI IC, the part is SSD2828.
Post by Miguel Garcia
At 1K pcs, the SSD2828 price is €4.20.
The datasheet is not public, but if someone wants the datasheet, leave
a message and I will send it by email.
yes please.
Post by Miguel Garcia
Do you know any better alternative?
no. have been looking on chrontel's site for a while.
Post by Miguel Garcia
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